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(28 Feb. 05) RCARO had a progress review meeting with staff members of KIRAMS (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) and a representative fro...
(24 Feb. 05) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO, hosted a dinner for the participants to the RCA Final Progress Review Meeting of the Project on Application of...
(21 FEb. 05) RCARO made a presentation on overview of IAEA/RCA programme and RCARO activities at the IAEA/RCA Final Progress Meeting of the Project on Applic...
(2 Feb. 05) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO invited RCA-KAIST Master's Degree Course students and RCA Post-doctoral fellows to a luncheon on 2 Feb. 2005 at L...
(27 Jan. 05) RCARO staff members participated in the '2005 Workshop for International Cooperation Staff of Nuclear-Related Organizations in Korea’ held...
(26. Jan. 05) Under the 2004 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme, Mr. Cuong Trinh from VAEC, Viet Nam, successfully completed his 6-month post-doctoral fe...