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(13 Dec. 04) RCARO made a presentation at IAEA/RCA Industry Project Review Meeting on Radiation Processing that was held at Philippines Nuclear Research Inst...
(9 Dec. 04) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO and Mr Kyoung-Won Han, Director, Nuclear Training Center (NTC) of KAERI met on 9 December 2004 and discussed how ...
(9 Dec. 04) Mr. Zhang Huazhu, Chairman of CAEA (Chinese Atomic Energy Authority) indicated at the 5th Meeting of ROK-PRC Joint Committee on Peaceful Uses of ...
(8 Dec. 04) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO briefed on RCARO performance and futureplan to Mr. Yong-Hwan Kim, the new Director General of Atomic Energ...
(30 Nov. 04) Mr. Jong-bae Choi, the National RCA Representative of Korea and Director of Atomic Energy Cooperation Division, Atomic Energy Bureau, Ministry o...
(30 Nov. 04) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO had a press conference with Daejeon science reporters at Daeduk Science Valley Press Club on 30 November 2004. ...