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(25 Arp. 05) RCARO announced invitation of 1 or 2 temp staff from the Member States for work at RCARO for the period of 4 months or so, as done in the previo...
(22 Apr. 05) RCARO made a presentation on RCA and RCARO roles and activities to the KAERI senior staff on 22 April 2005 during an orientation meeting at KAER...
(19 Apr. 05) The RCARO Steering Committee had its 15th Meeting on 19 April 2005 at the Ministry of Science and Technology and confirmed 2005 RCARO Work Pla...
(5 Apr. 05) As the RCARO entered into full operation beyond the interim period of 3 years, a Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) was constituted at the 27th Me...
(04 Apr. 05) RCARO representatives led by Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director participated in the 27th Meeting of National RCA Representatives (NRM) that began from 4 A...
(03 Apr. 05) The 7th RCARO Advisory Committee (AC) meeting was held on 3 April 2005 at Grand Plaza Parkroyal hotel in Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with the ...