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(6 Sep. 05) RCARO staff members participated in a brain-storming workshop on innovative strategy that focused on how to keep up with changing environment. ...
(6 Sep. 05) In order to enhance RCA information flow activities, RCARO recently supplied modern computers to 4 Member States, i.e, Thailand, Viet Nam, Indone...
(30 Aug. 30) RCARO arranged participation of RCARO invited staffs (Mr Kabir Hossain from BGD and Ms Le Thi Phu Van from VIE) at the 2nd International Works...
(29 Aug. 05) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA-RCA programme and the activities of RCARO to the RCA-KOICA Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Programme on 2...
(12 Aug. 05) A one-day visit programme to KIRAMS (Korea Institute for Radiological and Medical Sciences) for RCARO invited staffs from Member States (Mr. K...
(11 Aug. 05) Under the 2004 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar from PAEC, Pakistan, successfully completed his 9-month long post...