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(5 Dec. 05) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA/RCA and RCARO activities, in particular environment programmes at the 33rd Atomic Energy Week (AEW) organized b...
(30 Nov. 05) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA/RCA and RCARO programmes to the KAIST students of nuclear and quantum engineering in order to promote awarenes...
(18 Nov 05) In an effort to promote RCA partnerships, RCARO had meetings with KIRAMS (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) and RDA (Rural ...
(15 Nov. 05) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA-RCA and RCARO activities at the FNCA Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator on 15 November 2005 at ...
(9 Nov. 05) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA/RCA and RCARO activities together with UN MDGs on 9 Nov.2005 at KINS (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) to s...
(8 Nov. 05) Dr. Carlito Aleta, Special Consultant to the Director of the RCARO (former IAEA/RCA Coordinator) briefed on the strategy for the promotion of R...