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RCA Regional Office participated in the 11thASEANTOM Annual Meeting held in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, from 15 to 16 August, 2024.Invited as a ...
Mr Sunil Kumar Sahoo, Scientific Officer of the Bhaba Atomic Research Center of India and MrMohamad Rendi Astono Sentosa, Trainer of the Nationa...
Students from Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, majoring in Energy Policy and Engineering in the KINGS under the RCA/KINGS Master's Degree Programme vi...
Mr. Gashaw Wolde, Section Head in the Division for Asia and the Pacific at the IAEA's Department of Technical Cooperation visited the RCA Regional Office. M...
Introductory Workshop on In-Situ Radiation Detection Demonstration and Basic Gamma Spectrometry Technique for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness and Response...
The RCARO Fellowship Programme for the year 2024 is open for accepting applications from the RCA Governemnt Parties. The Programme aims to provide the fellow...