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Mr.Pill Hwan Park was appointed as the new Director of RCARO at the41st Meeting of National RCA Representatives. Mr. Park's past careers include...
14 June 2019 Dear National RCA Representatives, With the mandate to enhance awareness of the RCA, RCARO has been providing support for RCA expe...
Ms Hemanthi Gayani Dharmaratne, Management Assistant of International Cooperation Division of Sri ...
MrMohd Hafizal Bin Yusof, Research Officer, Department of Information and Knowledge Management in Malaysian Nuclear Agency, has completed his fe...
18 March, 2019 Dear National RCA Representatives, I am pleased to inform you that the 2019 RCA/iTRS-HYU Radiation Safety Training Course will be held on 0...
Mr Mohd Hafizal Yusof, Research Officer of Information Management Division of Malaysia Nuclear Agency,has joined the RCA Regional Office as a partici...