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(25 Mar. 05) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO and the staff participated in the 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pac...
(23 Mar. 05) Project managers Meeting for 2005 RCARO Initiated Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme met on 23 March 2005 at RCARO and discussed on the implemen...
(22 Mar. 05) At the IAEA Regional Workshop on the Development of a Web-Portal for the ANENT (Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology), RCARO made...
(8 Mar. 05) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO hosted a luncheon for the participants in the IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on "Tracing Future Sustainable Pa...
(7 Mar 05) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO delivered welcoming address at the opening of the IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on "Tracing Future Sustainabl...
(4 Mar. 05) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO, welcomed students from the Member States who were admitted to the RCA-KAIST 2005 Spring Semester Courses. They a...