794558 |
Tablet Disintegration and Dispersion under In Vivo-like Hydrodynamic Conditions |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/pharmaceutics14010208 |
Lenz Jan, Fuest Frederik, Finke Jan Henrik, Bunjes Heike, Kwade Arno, Juhnke Michael |
794557 |
Skin Regenerative Potential of Cupuaçu Seed Extract (Theobroma grandiflorum), a Native Fruit from the Amazon: Development of a Topical Formulation Based on Chitosan-Coated Nanocapsules |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/pharmaceutics14010207 |
Barbalho Geisa Nascimento, Matos Breno Noronha, da Silva Brito Gabriel Ferreira, da Cunha Miranda Thamires, Alencar-Silva Thuany, Sodré Fernando Fabriz, Gelfuso Guilherme Martins, Cunha-Filho Marcilio, Carvalho Juliana Lott, da Silva Joyce Kelly do Rosário, Gratieri Taís |
794556 |
Strong Antimicrobial Activity of Highly Stable Nanocomposite Containing AgNPs Based on Water-Soluble Triazole-Sulfonate Copolymer |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/pharmaceutics14010206 |
Pozdnyakov Alexander, Emel’yanov Artem, Ivanova Anastasiya, Kuznetsova Nadezhda, Semenova Tat’yana, Bolgova Yuliya, Korzhova Svetlana, Trofimova Olga, Fadeeva Tat’yana, Prozorova Galina |
794555 |
Early radiological worsening of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia predicts the need for ventilatory support |
2022-01-16 |
10.1007/s00330-021-08418-3 |
Plasencia-Martínez Juana María, Carrillo-Alcaraz Andrés, Martín-Cascón Miguel, Pérez-Costa Rafael, Ballesta-Ruiz Mónica, Blanco-Barrio Ana, Herves-Escobedo Ignacio, Gómez-Verdú José-Miguel, Alcaraz-Martínez Julián, Alemán-Belando Sergio, Carrillo-Burgos María José |
794554 |
An Enhanced Decoding Algorithm for Coded Compressed Sensing with Applications to Unsourced Random Access |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020676 |
Amalladinne Vamsi K., Ebert Jamison R., Chamberland Jean-Francois, Narayanan Krishna R. |
794553 |
Digital Twins in the Practice of High-Energy Physics Experiments: A Gas System for the Multipurpose Detector |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020678 |
Chaber Patryk, Domański Paweł D., Dąbrowski Daniel, Ławryńczuk Maciej, Nebeluk Robert, Plamowski Sebastian, Zarzycki Krzysztof |
794552 |
Enhanced Recognition of Amputated Wrist and Hand Movements by Deep Learning Method Using Multimodal Fusion of Electromyography and Electroencephalography |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020680 |
Kim Sehyeon, Shin Dae Youp, Kim Taekyung, Lee Sangsook, Hyun Jung Keun, Park Sung-Min |
794551 |
Wide-Band Interference Mitigation in GNSS Receivers Using Sub-Band Automatic Gain Control |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020679 |
van der Merwe Johannes Rossouw van der, Garzia Fabio, Rügamer Alexander, Urquijo Santiago, Franco David Contreras, Felber Wolfgang |
794550 |
Recent Progress in Improving the Performance of Infrared Photodetectors via Optical Field Manipulations |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020677 |
Chen Jian, Wang Jiuxu, Li Xin, Chen Jin, Yu Feilong, He Jiale, Wang Jian, Zhao Zengyue, Li Guanhai, Chen Xiaoshuang, Lu Wei |
794549 |
Diamine Oxidase-Conjugated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes to Facilitate Electrode Surface Homogeneity |
2022-01-16 |
10.3390/s22020675 |
Amin M., Abdullah B. M., Rowley-Neale S. J., Wylie S., Slate A. J., Banks C. E., Whitehead K. A. |