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794538 CELLS Sacsin Deletion Induces Aggregation of Glial Intermediate Filaments 2022-01-16 10.3390/cells11020299 Murtinheira Fernanda, Migueis Mafalda, Letra-Vilela Ricardo, Diallo Mickael, Quezada Andrea, Valente Cláudia A., Oliva Abel, Rodriguez Carmen, Martin Vanesa, Herrera Federico
794537 CELLS Endogenous pH 6.0 β-Galactosidase Activity Is Linked to Neuronal Differentiation in the Olfactory Epithelium 2022-01-16 10.3390/cells11020298 de Mera-Rodríguez José Antonio, Álvarez-Hernán Guadalupe, Gañán Yolanda, Santos-Almeida Ana, Martín-Partido Gervasio, Rodríguez-León Joaquín, Francisco-Morcillo Javier
794536 CELLS Changes in the Mitochondria-Related Nuclear Gene Expression Profile during Human Oocyte Maturation by the IVM Technique 2022-01-16 10.3390/cells11020297 Yang Zhi-Yong, Ye Min, Xing Ya-Xin, Xie Qi-Gui, Zhou Jian-Hong, Qi Xin-Rui, Kee Kehkooi, Chian Ri-Cheng
794535 CELLS Developing Digital Photomicroscopy 2022-01-16 10.3390/cells11020296 Micklem Kingsley
794534 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Trust in the Healthcare System and Physicians in Croatia: A Survey of the General Population 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020993 Nikodem Krunoslav, Ćurković Marko, Borovečki Ana
794533 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Effect of the Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving Skills, and Grit on the Disaster Triage Ability of Emergency Room Nurses 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020987 Yang Jina, Kim Kon Hee
794532 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Perception, Reaction, and Future Development of the Influence of COVID-19 on the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in China 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020991 Zhong Lina, Sun Sunny, Law Rob, Li Xiaonan, Yang Liyu
794531 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Biomechanical Characteristics of the Knee Joint during Gait in Obese versus Normal Subjects 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020989 Al Khatib Fadi, Gouissem Afif, Mbarki Raouf, Adouni Malek
794530 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH The Efficacy of a New AMCOP® Elastodontic Protocol for Orthodontic Interceptive Treatment: A Case Series and Literature Overview 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020988 Inchingolo Alessio Danilo, Patano Assunta, Coloccia Giovanni, Ceci Sabino, Inchingolo Angelo Michele, Marinelli Grazia, Malcangi Giuseppina, Montenegro Valentina, Laudadio Claudia, Pede Chiara Di, Garibaldi Mariagrazia, Kruti Zamira, Maggiore Maria Elena, Mancini Antonio, Nucci Ludovica, Bordea Ioana Roxana, Scarano Antonio, Lorusso Felice, Dipalma Gianna, Di Venere Daniela, Cardarelli Filippo, Inchingolo Francesco
794529 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Exacerbation of Depressive Symptoms for Social Frailty from the ORANGE Registry 2022-01-16 10.3390/ijerph19020986 Kodama Ayuto, Kume Yu, Lee Sangyoon, Makizako Hyuma, Shimada Hiroyuki, Takahashi Tomoko, Ono Tsuyoshi, Ota Hidetaka