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794608 MATERIALS Rapid Fabrication of Smooth Micro-Optical Components on Glass by Etching-Assisted Femtosecond Laser Modification 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020678 Wang Bao-Xu, Qi Jin-Yong, Lu Yi-Ming, Zheng Jia-Xin, Xu Ying, Liu Xue-Qing
794607 MATERIALS Effects of Low-Temperature Construction Additives (LCAs) on the Performance of Asphalt Mixtures 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020677 Li Yuanyuan, Feng Jianlin, Chen Anqi, Wu Fan, Wu Shaopeng, Liu Quantao, Gong Ruifang
794606 MATERIALS An Overview Regarding Microbial Aspects of Production and Applications of Bacterial Cellulose 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020676 Lupașcu Raluca Elisabeta, Ghica Mihaela Violeta, Dinu-Pîrvu Cristina-Elena, Popa Lăcrămioara, Velescu Bruno Ștefan, Arsene Andreea Letiția
794605 MATERIALS Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis on Hybrid Air Bearing-Rotor System under Ultra-High Speed Condition 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020675 Song Laiyun, Yuan Guoqin, Zhang Hongwen, Ding Yalin, Cheng Kai
794604 MATERIALS Study of Rolling Motion of Ships in Random Beam Seas with Nonlinear Restoring Moment and Damping Effects Using Neuroevolutionary Technique 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020674 Khan Naveed Ahmad, Sulaiman Muhammad, Tavera Romero Carlos Andrés, Laouini Ghaylen, Alshammari Fahad Sameer
794603 MATERIALS Properties of Old Concrete Built in the Former Leipziger Palace 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020673 Ambroziak Andrzej, Haustein Elżbieta
794602 MATERIALS Prospective Clinical Evaluation of Posterior Third-Generation Monolithic Zirconia Crowns Fabricated with Complete Digital Workflow: Two-Year Follow-Up 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020672 Gseibat Mustafa, Sevilla Pablo, Lopez-Suarez Carlos, Rodríguez Verónica, Peláez Jesús, Suárez María J.
794601 MATERIALS Bioconjugation Strategy for Ceramic Membranes Decorated with Candida Antarctica Lipase B—Impact of Immobilization Process on Material Features 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020671 Kujawa Joanna, Głodek Marta, Koter Izabela, Li Guoqiang, Knozowska Katarzyna, Kujawski Wojciech
794600 MATERIALS Effect of Material Anisotropy on the Mechanical Response of Automotive Steel under High Strain Rates 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020669 Yin Sheng, Xue Yi, Cui Haotian, Pei Xinhua, Hu Chundong, Wang Yangxin, Tian Qingchao
794599 MATERIALS Study on Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance of Jarosite/C Composites 2022-01-17 10.3390/ma15020668 Chen Junxue, Li Sijia, Qu Zizheng, Li Zhonglin, Wang Ding, Shen Jialong, Li Yibing