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796468 MATERIALS KrF Laser and Plasma Exposure of PDMS–Carbon Composite and Its Antibacterial Properties 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030839 Fajstavr Dominik, Frýdlová Bára, Rimpelová Silvie, Kasálková Nikola Slepičková, Sajdl Petr, Švorčík Václav, Slepička Petr
796467 MATERIALS Application of Pre-Wetted High Titanium Heavy Slag Aggregate in Cement Concrete 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030831 Zhang Tao, Huang Bei
796466 MATERIALS Development of New Hybrid Casein-Loaded PHEMA-PEGDA Hydrogels with Enhanced Mineralisation Potential 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030840 Dumitrescu Georgiana-Dana, Serafim Andrada, Ginghina Raluca-Elena, Iovu Horia, Marinescu Rodica, Olăreț Elena, Stancu Izabela-Cristina
796465 MATERIALS Effects of the PbBr2:PbI2 Molar Ratio on the Formation of Lead Halide Thin Films, and the Ratio’s Application for High Performance and Wide Bandgap Solar Cells 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030837 Sheikh Md. Abdul Kuddus, Singh Son, Abdur Rahim, Lee Sung-Min, Kim Jae-Hun, Nam Ho-Seok, Lee Hyunseung, Lee Jaegab
796464 MATERIALS The Coupling Effect of Organosilicon Hydrophobic Agent and Cement on the Water Resistance of Phosphogypsum 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030845 Ma Pengfei, Wang Chong, Gao Yuxin, Gu Xiaowei, Cheng Baojun, Fang Zheng, Xiong Guangqi, Wu Jing
796463 MATERIALS Fatigue Analysis of the Microturbine Rotor Disc Made of 7075 Aluminium Alloy Using a New Hybrid Calculation Method 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030834 Zych Paweł, Żywica Grzegorz
796462 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Comprehensive Profiling of Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) Crotonylome Reveals the Significance of Lysine Crotonylation in Young Leaves 2022-01-21 10.3390/ijms23031173 Dong Yibo, Chen Chao
796461 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES PSMA-Targeting Imaging and Theranostic Agents—Current Status and Future Perspective 2022-01-21 10.3390/ijms23031158 Debnath Sashi, Zhou Ning, McLaughlin Mark, Rice Samuel, Pillai Anil K., Hao Guiyang, Sun Xiankai
796460 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Apoptosis as a Driver of Therapy-Induced Cancer Repopulation and Acquired Cell-Resistance (CRAC): A Simple In Vitro Model of Phoenix Rising in Prostate Cancer 2022-01-21 10.3390/ijms23031152 Corsi Francesca, Capradossi Francesco, Pelliccia Andrea, Briganti Stefania, Bruni Emanuele, Traversa Enrico, Torino Francesco, Reichle Albrecht, Ghibelli Lina
796459 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Physiological and Epigenetic Reaction of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to the Foliar Application of Silicon under Soil Salinity Conditions 2022-01-21 10.3390/ijms23031149 Stadnik Barbara, Tobiasz-Salach Renata, Mazurek Marzena