796478 |
Influence of Friction Stir Process on the Physical, Microstructural, Corrosive, and Electrical Properties of an Al–Mg Alloy Modified with Ti–B Additives |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030835 |
Moustafa Essam B., Alazwari Mashhour A., Abushanab Waheed Sami, Ghandourah Emad Ismat, Mosleh Ahmed O., Ahmed Haitham M., Taha Mohamed A. |
796477 |
Survival and Success Rates of Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Supported by Teeth and Implants in Bruxer versus Non-Bruxer Patients: A Retrospective Study |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030833 |
Heller Hadas, Sreter David, Arieli Adi, Beitlitum Ilan, Pilo Raphael, Levartovsky Shifra |
796476 |
Structure and Properties of Copper Pyrophosphate by First-Principle Calculations |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030842 |
Majtyka-Piłat Anna, Wojtyniak Marcin, Laskowski Łukasz, Chrobak Dariusz |
796475 |
Mineralization in a Critical Size Bone-Gap in Sheep Tibia Improved by a Chitosan-Calcium Phosphate-Based Composite as Compared to Predicate Device |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030838 |
Örlygsson Gissur, Laxdal Elín H., Kárason Sigurbergur, Dagbjartsson Atli, Gunnarsson Eggert, Ng Chuen-How, Einarsson Jón M., Gíslason Jóhannes, Jónsson Halldór |
796474 |
Rejuvenation in Deep Thermal Cycling of a Generic Model Glass: A Study of Per-Particle Energy Distribution |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030829 |
Bruns Marian, Varnik Fathollah |
796473 |
Improved Methane Production by Photocatalytic CO2 Conversion over Ag/In2O3/TiO2 Heterojunctions |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030843 |
Reñones Patricia, Fresno Fernando, Oropeza Freddy E., de la Peña O’Shea Víctor A. |
796472 |
Direct Polypropylene and Polyethylene Liquefaction in CO2 and N2 Atmospheres Using MgO Light and CaO as Catalysts |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030844 |
Hidalgo Herrador José Miguel, Murat Martyna, Tišler Zdeněk, Frątczak Jakub, de Paz Carmona Héctor |
796471 |
Accurate Estimation of Yield Strength and Ultimate Tensile Strength through Instrumented Indentation Testing and Chemical Composition Testing |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030832 |
Scales Martin, Anderson Joel, Kornuta Jeffrey A., Switzner Nathan, Gonzalez Ramon, Veloo Peter |
796470 |
Structural and Insulating Behaviour of High-Permittivity Binary Oxide Thin Films for Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride Electronic Devices |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030830 |
Lo Nigro Raffaella, Fiorenza Patrick, Greco Giuseppe, Schilirò Emanuela, Roccaforte Fabrizio |
796469 |
GTR/Thermoplastics Blends: How Do Interfacial Interactions Govern Processing and Physico-Mechanical Properties? |
2022-01-22 |
10.3390/ma15030841 |
Saeb Mohammad Reza, Wiśniewska Paulina, Susik Agnieszka, Zedler Łukasz, Vahabi Henri, Colom Xavier, Cañavate Javier, Tercjak Agnieszka, Formela Krzysztof |