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796478 MATERIALS Influence of Friction Stir Process on the Physical, Microstructural, Corrosive, and Electrical Properties of an Al–Mg Alloy Modified with Ti–B Additives 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030835 Moustafa Essam B., Alazwari Mashhour A., Abushanab Waheed Sami, Ghandourah Emad Ismat, Mosleh Ahmed O., Ahmed Haitham M., Taha Mohamed A.
796477 MATERIALS Survival and Success Rates of Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Supported by Teeth and Implants in Bruxer versus Non-Bruxer Patients: A Retrospective Study 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030833 Heller Hadas, Sreter David, Arieli Adi, Beitlitum Ilan, Pilo Raphael, Levartovsky Shifra
796476 MATERIALS Structure and Properties of Copper Pyrophosphate by First-Principle Calculations 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030842 Majtyka-Piłat Anna, Wojtyniak Marcin, Laskowski Łukasz, Chrobak Dariusz
796475 MATERIALS Mineralization in a Critical Size Bone-Gap in Sheep Tibia Improved by a Chitosan-Calcium Phosphate-Based Composite as Compared to Predicate Device 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030838 Örlygsson Gissur, Laxdal Elín H., Kárason Sigurbergur, Dagbjartsson Atli, Gunnarsson Eggert, Ng Chuen-How, Einarsson Jón M., Gíslason Jóhannes, Jónsson Halldór
796474 MATERIALS Rejuvenation in Deep Thermal Cycling of a Generic Model Glass: A Study of Per-Particle Energy Distribution 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030829 Bruns Marian, Varnik Fathollah
796473 MATERIALS Improved Methane Production by Photocatalytic CO2 Conversion over Ag/In2O3/TiO2 Heterojunctions 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030843 Reñones Patricia, Fresno Fernando, Oropeza Freddy E., de la Peña O’Shea Víctor A.
796472 MATERIALS Direct Polypropylene and Polyethylene Liquefaction in CO2 and N2 Atmospheres Using MgO Light and CaO as Catalysts 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030844 Hidalgo Herrador José Miguel, Murat Martyna, Tišler Zdeněk, Frątczak Jakub, de Paz Carmona Héctor
796471 MATERIALS Accurate Estimation of Yield Strength and Ultimate Tensile Strength through Instrumented Indentation Testing and Chemical Composition Testing 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030832 Scales Martin, Anderson Joel, Kornuta Jeffrey A., Switzner Nathan, Gonzalez Ramon, Veloo Peter
796470 MATERIALS Structural and Insulating Behaviour of High-Permittivity Binary Oxide Thin Films for Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride Electronic Devices 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030830 Lo Nigro Raffaella, Fiorenza Patrick, Greco Giuseppe, Schilirò Emanuela, Roccaforte Fabrizio
796469 MATERIALS GTR/Thermoplastics Blends: How Do Interfacial Interactions Govern Processing and Physico-Mechanical Properties? 2022-01-22 10.3390/ma15030841 Saeb Mohammad Reza, Wiśniewska Paulina, Susik Agnieszka, Zedler Łukasz, Vahabi Henri, Colom Xavier, Cañavate Javier, Tercjak Agnieszka, Formela Krzysztof