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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
796518 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Adrenal Crisis Secondary to Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by a Bezoar 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21498 Campos Patrícia, Almeida Joana, Ferreira da Silva Maria João
796517 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Inter-Fractional Variations in Volume and Radiation Dose to the Organs at Risk, High-Risk Clinical Target Volume and Implication of Image-Guided Adaptive Planning During Intracavitary Brachytherapy of Carcinoma Cervix 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21503 Patil Gurubasappa, BR Kiran Kumar, Narayanan Geeta
796516 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Parvovirus b19-Induced Acute Hepatitis With Hepatosplenomegaly and Polyarthropathy 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21494 Khan Ubaid, Uzair Ahmad Rana, Ullah Zabeeh, Fida Tooba, Shehryar Muhammad
796515 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Acute Suppurative Parotitis Following Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21497 Komagamine Junpei, Osawa Haruka
796514 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Emotional Discomfort Scale: Instrument Development and Association With General Self-Efficacy and Data From an Urban Primary Care Setting 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21495 Symvoulakis Emmanouil K, Volkos Panagiotis, Markaki Adelais, Linardakis Manolis
796513 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Fibrous Dysplasia of Proximal Femur: A Case Report of Treatment With Single-Stage Valgus Osteotomy With Dynamic Hip Screw and Fibular Strut Graft 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21496 Vyas Avin, Godara Anil, Kumar Naveen, Singhal Shrey, Bhattacherjee Dhritobroto
796512 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Intracranial Osteoma: Unusual Etiology of Chronic Daily Headaches 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21488 Aldandan Nasser S, Al Mutairi Amal N, Almutairi Talal H, Aboalam Ayman M, Saad Turki A, Alshebili Abdullah K, Almihmadi Mohammad K, Alzeer Abdullah E, Alhamyani Mohammed A, Alhazmi Alya M, Fardous Mariam H, Alharbi Ghada A, Oraif Maryam F, Abdu Bashaer O, Al-Hawaj Faisal
796511 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Management of Psychotic Symptoms in a Patient With Parkinson’s Disease Maintained on Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel by Paliperidone Long-Acting Injection: A Case Report 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21491 Alanazi Abdulkarim O, Boqaeid Abdulaziz A, Alnuwaysir Mohammed A
796510 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Multiple Audiometric Analysis in the Screening of Vestibular Schwannoma 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21492 Celis-Aguilar Erika, Obeso-Pereda Alejandra, Castro-Bórquez Karla M, Dehesa-Lopez Edgar, Vega-Alarcon Alfredo, Coutinho-De Toledo Heloisa
796509 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Negative Appendicectomy Rate: Incidence and Predictors 2022-01-22 10.7759/cureus.21489 Noureldin Khaled, Hatim Ali Ali Asgar, Issa Mohamed, Shah Heer, Ayantunde Bolu, Ayantunde Abraham