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RCA, Partnerships, RCARO






RCA, Partnerships, RCARO
Meeting of RCA Lead Country Coordinators
26-30 July 2004, IAEA
Prepared by RCARO

From the Statement of the Director General of IAEA
At June 2004 Board of Governors Meeting

“The Agency expanded (and is expanding) its partnerships with other United Nations system organizations, international financial institutions, regional organizations and other relevant bodies…."

From the Statement of the DDG, Dept. of TC of IAEA At June 2004 Board of Governors Meeting

“Partnerships are essential to TC….The Agency has attained some success building international partnerships and will now focus on promoting national and sub-regional ones….”

Recommendations from SAGTAC (July 2003) of IAEA

“…building partnerships with the development community.”

Resolution adopted on 19 September 2003 by 47th IAEA GC
“…Requests the Director General to continue to further develop and facilitate cost-sharing, outsourcing and other forms of Partnerships in Development…”

Objectives of IAEA TC Strategy
-To produce sustainable benefits within the framework of national development plans
-To gain recognition as a partner in resolving development problems through the cost-effective transfer of nuclear technologies
-To increase the level of funding for technical co-operation activities particularly from non-traditional sources, and to increase the number of opportunities for direct and “parallel funding” to help resolve development problems

Among the Objectives:
‘To increase… partnerships… to help resolve development problems..’
Expected Outcomes
-TC projects addressing DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMS that meet the interests of and the criteria for support by funding institutions
-TC projects attracting ‘parallel funding’ by development organizations

Establishment of RCARO
- To increase awareness of RCA (Visibility)
- To promote RCA partnerships (Viability)

Development Problems
“Grinding poverty and striking inequality persists. Diseases, old and new, threaten to undo painstaking progress. Nature’s life-sustaining services, on which our species depends for its survival, are being seriously disrupted and degraded by our own every day activities…” - UN Secretary General Kofi Anan in 2000 ?

Millennium Development Goals
Eight Goals
⊙ Eradicate extreme POVERTY and hunger
⊙ Achieve universal primary EDUCATION
⊙ Promote GENDER EQUALITY and empower women
⊙ Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
⊙ Ensure ENVIRONMENTAL sustainability
⊙ Develop a GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP for development
- The 8 MDGs comprise 18 targets and 48 indicators -

Pillars of Sustainable Development

Economic development: Poverty eradication
Social development: Education, Gender equality, Child mortality, Maternal health, HIV/AIDS and other diseases
Environmental protection: Prevent environmental degradation and change unsustainable patterns of development
(consumption and production)
Partnerships: At local, national, regional and global levels

Goals and Targets 1
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Target 1: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day
Target 2: Halve, between 1990 and 2015,the proportion of people who suffer from hunger

Goals and Targets 2
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Target 3: Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling

Goals and Targets 3
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Target 4: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005 and in all levels of education no later than 2015

Goals and Targets 4
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
Target 5: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate

Goals and Targets 5
Goal 5: Improve maternal health
Target 6: Reduce by three-quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality rate

Goals and Targets 6
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
Target 7: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
Target 8: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

Goals and Targets 7

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Target 9: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programme and reverse the loss of environmental resources
Target 10: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation
Target 11: Have achieved, by 2020, a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers

Goals and Targets 8

Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

Target 12: Develop further an open, rule-based, predicable, nondiscriminatory trading and financial system
Target 13: Address the special needs of the least developed countries
Target 14: Address the special needs of landlocked countries and small island developing states
Target 15: Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term
Target 16: In cooperation with developing countries, develop and implement strategies for decent and productive work for youth
Target 17: In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries
Target 18: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications

Action Agenda ? Focus on 5 Key Thematic Areas
- Priority areas for action, identified by UN Secretariat ?

→ Water
→ Energy
→ Health
→ Agriculture
→ Biodiversity protection and ecosystem management

Issues Related with WEHAB

Access to clean drinking water, seawater desalination, recycling waste water, prevent water pollution, dam safety, watershed and groundwater management, sustainable development of ocean and protect marine coastal environment, etc.

Issues Related with WEHAB

Production of cleaner and more efficient energy, avoid greenhouse gas emission, promotion of renewable energy, energy conservation, better mass transportation, rational exploitation of geothermal sources, etc

Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, cancer, communicable diseases such as SARS, infectious diseases such as hepatitis B & C, tuberculosis, and other diseases; address malnutrition, neonatal and maternal problems; child health and immunization, cardiovascular health, indoor air pollution, drinking water and sanitation, preventing air and water pollution, hazardous waste management, etc.

Increase food availability including food preservation; land resources management, water resources management, agricultural trade, etc

Endeavors Related with WEHAB
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management
Prevent natural resources degradation, restore wild animal life and sustainable fisheries, protect marine environment from land based sources of pollution, trace the fate of pollutants, identify pathways of pesticides and agrochemicals in the environment,

Possible and Potential RCA Partners
-UN system organizations
-International financial institutions
-Regional cooperative organizations
-National donors for international co-operation
-Other relevant bodies

Information and experience exchange partners
Financial support partners (donors)
Technical co-operation partners (joint project, advice, human resources development)

Type of Organizations for Partnerships
(a) Highly specialized
(b) Broadly sectoral
(c) Intersectoral
(d) Funding
(e) Coordinating
- UNCSTD, regional commissions

UN System Organizations

International Financial Institutions
IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)
IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
WB (World Bank) and WB Group
ADB (Asian Development Bank)

Regional Co-operative Organizations
-Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)
-Asia Productivity Organization (APO)
-South Asia Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)
-Asian and Pacific Development Center (APDC)
-Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programme in East and Southeast Aisa (CCOP)
- Asian Cleaning Union (ACU)
-Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programme in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP)
-Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
-South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP)
-Mekong River commission (MRC)

Regional Co-operative OrganizationsNational Donors for International Co-operations
-Forum for Nuclear Co-operation in Asia (FNCA)
-Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
-Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA)
-Korea International Co-operation Agency (KOICA )
-United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Other Relevant Bodies
-International Energy Agency (OECD/IEA)
-Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA)
-Department for International Development (DFID)
-International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
-International Council for Women (ICW)
-International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)
-Muslim World League (MWL: RABITA)
-Center for Energy-Environment Research and Development (CEERD)

UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development)
-Development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy
-Promote a fair and effective global carbon market
-CDM Capacity-building project in LDCs
-Support GHG markets in countries with economies in transition
-Operation of Carbon Market E-learning Centers

UNDP(UN Development Programme)
6 priority areas
(1) Frameworks and strategies for sustainable development
(to develop country capacity to manage environment and natural resources, integrate environmental and energy dimensions into poverty reduction strategies..)
(2) Effective water governance
(3) Access to sustainable energy services
(4) Sustainable land management to combat desertification and land degradation
(5) Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
(6) Policy and planning to control emission of ozone-depleting substance (ODS) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

UNV(UN Volunteers)
-Support sustainable development globally by promoting volunteerism and by mobilizing volunteers (administered by UNDP)
-Environment (expert missions in resource inventory, remote sensing, demography, meteorology, water and sanitation, coastal erosion, preservation of cultural heritage and forest….)
-Health (health care education and training to strengthen local initiatives for prevention and control diseases)

UNCDF(UN Capital Development Fund)
-Reduce poverty in LDCs through innovative approaches in both local governance and microfinance initiatives (support LDCs to pilot small-scale investments that can be replicated on a larger scale)
-Provision of technical advisory services to UNDP country offices
-Dissemination of best practices in microfinance through global and regional workshop and development of distance learning programme

UNEP(UN Environment Programme)
-5 priority areas
(1) Water for the future (improving sanitation, assessment of freshwater and marine resources)
(2) Clean and renewable energy (to improving air quality and preventing and mitigating climate change)
(3) Health and the environment (chemicals and hazardous waste…)
(4) Sustainable agriculture (combating desertification, drought and land degradation, improving agricultural productivity..)
(5) Biodiversity (biodiversity, migratory species, trade in endangered species, protect marine environment from climate change, pollution and unsustainable fishing and tourism…)

UNESCAP(UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
-3 priority areas
(1) Energy resources (promote sustainable energy development partnerships for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in Asia and the Pacific, survey on electric power sector development)
(2) Water resources (promote integrated water resources management, water conservation, awareness of importance of freshwater, water use efficiency, groundwater protection, water sanitation…)
(3) Environment (promote the integration of environmental considerations into economic and social planning, develop and implement strategic environmental plans and sustainable development indicators, in particular coordinate and monitor implementation of the
Regional Action Programme for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development 2001-05, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation…)

UNESCO(UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
One of UNEsCO’s thematic sectors is Natural Science focused on freshwater
International Hydrological Programme (IHP) for global freshwater resources including protection of environment
Implement World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

UNFCCC(UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)
-Support achieving quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments in order to promote sustainable development by the Parties
-Make operational UNFCCC’s CDM projects
-Provide guidance to Global Environment Facility (GEF)
-Coordinate climate policies on an international level (e.g. International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy)
-Operation of UNFCCC TT (Technology Transfer) project through UNFCCC information clearing house (TT:CLEAR) ? Energy, agriculture, waste management, industry, costal zone management, human health, natural resources management, river base management….

UNFPA(UN Fund for Population Activities)
Help countries to address reproductive health and population issues
- Support family planning
- Safer and healthier pregnancy and childbirth
- Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS
- In particular, adolescent reproductive health, obstetric fistula and gender violence

(UNHSP)(UN Human Settlements Programme)
-Promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelters, sustainable urban development, improvement in the lives of slum dwellers, access to safe water and sanitation, environmental protection and various human rights
-Targeting sustainable human settlements that depend on the interactive development of policies and concrete actions to provide access to
--Food and nutrition
--Clean drinking water
--Sanitation, and
-Universal access to the widest range of primary health-care services

UNICEF(UN Children’s Fund)
-Protect children’s right, help meet children’s basic needs, help them reach their full potential
-In particular, protect most disadvantaged children ? victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation
-Promote equal rights of women and girls
-2 main activities
(1) Health (immunization, oral rehydration to save the lives of infants with severe diarrhoea; promoting and protecting breastfeeding; fighting HIV/AIDS, micronutrient supplementation and health education) (ensure the survival and health of children and women)
* One of UNICEF priorities in health sector is ‘Early Childhood’. All children, their caregivers, and communities must be ensured: Primary health care, adequate nutrition, safe water and basic sanitation
(2) Water, Environment, and Sanitation (improve water supplies and sanitation for communities including schools, where separate latrines can be a critical factor in whether girls are allowed to attend.)

UNOPS(UN Office for Project Service)
-Provide project-management services in UN has a mandate ? from landmine awareness to public sector reform, from informatics solutions to eradicating poverty
-One of UNOPS activity is in the area of International Water;
-- In partnership with UNDP and GEF, UNOPS helps establish regional arrangements to protect and manage seas, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water that transcend national boundaries. (UNDP is the architect, UNOPS is the engineer)
-- Procuring legal assistance in international water law and natural resource legislation
-- Organizing training courses, workshops, stakeholders meetings and research teams
-- Pollution Reduction Programmes (PRPs) that indicate how riparian countries should respond to the transboundary pollution problems…

UNIDO(UN Industrial Development Organization)
-2 areas: (a) Strengthening industrial capacities, including programmes in support of the global forum function and policy advice (b) Cleaner and sustainable industrial development
-4 Priority areas
(1) Agro-industry (e.g. food sector: food safety, quality and hygiene, animal and fish products, beverages, cereals and starches, fats and oils, fruits and vegetables, roots and tubes, other specific food products)
(2) Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
* Rural energy: reduce GHG, increase energy efficiency, promote applications of renewable energies
* Industrial energy efficiency (Climate change and Kyoto Protocol)
(3) Montreal Protocol (deplete the ozone layer)
(4) Environmental management (cleaner production activities, water management, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS)

UNU(United Nations University)
-4 key roles
(1) An international community of scholars
(2) A bridge between UN and international academic community
(3) A think-tank for UN systems
(4) A capacity builder, particularly in developing countries
-5 thematic focuses
(1) Peace
(2) Governance
(3) Development
(4) Science, Technology and Society (Innovation, Information and Bio-technologies, Software technology, Food and nutrition)
(5) Environment (natural resources management, environment and sustainable development, water, global climate and governance)

FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)
-4 main areas
(1) Information networking (for agronomists, foresters, fisheries and livestock specialists, nutritionists, social scientists, economists…)
(2) Sharing policy expertise (in devising agricultural policy, supporting planning, drafting effective legislation and creating national strategies to achieve rural development and hunger alleviation goals)
(3) Providing meeting place for nations (for policy-makers and experts to forge agreements on major food and agriculture issues)
(4) Bringing knowledge to the field (put to the test field projects. With World Food Programme (WFP), protect rural livelihoods and help people rebuild their lives)

GEF(Global Environment Facility)
-An independent financial organization that provides grants to developing countries for projects that benefit the global environment and promote sustainable livelihood in local communities
-6 complex global environmental issues
(1) Biodiversity (arid and semi-arid zones, coastal, marine, and freshwater resources, forests, mountains)
(2) Climate Change (removing barriers to energy efficiency, promoting adoption of renewable energy, reducing long-term costs of low GHG emitting energy technologies, supporting sustainable transport)
(3) International Waters (water bodies, integrated land and water projects, contaminants)
(4) Land Degradation
(5) Ozone Layer
(6) Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

WHO(World Health Organization)
-6 core functions
(1) Articulating consistent, ethical an evidence-based policy and advocacy positions
(2) Managing information by assessing trends and comparing performance
(3) Stimulating cooperation and action and help to build sustainable national and inter-country capacity for technical and policy
(4) Negotiating and sustaining national and global partnerships
(5) Setting, validating, monitoring and pursuing proper implementation of norms and standards
(6) Stimulating the development and testing of new technologies, tools and guidelines for disease control, risk reduction, health care management, and service delivery

IMO(International Maritime Organization)
-Improving maritime safety and preventing pollution from ships
(Objectives: Safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans)
-Marine environment
-- CPPS (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form Ships) covers accidental and operational oil pollution as well as pollution by chemicals, goods in packaged for, sewage, garbage and air pollution
-- OPRC (International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation) provides global framework for international co-operation in combating major incidents or threats of marine pollution by hazardous and noxious substances

WMO(World Meteorological Organization)
-International co-operation in weather, climate, hydrology and water resources, and related environmental issues, thereby contribute to the safety and well being of people
-10 major scientific and technical programmes
(1) World Weather Watch Programme (WWWP)
(2) World Climate Programme (WCP)
(3) Atmospheric Research and Environment Progrmme (AREP)
(4) Applications of Meteorology Programme (AMP)
(5) Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP)
(6) Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme (NSPMP)
(7) Space Programme (SP)
(8) Education and Training Programme (ETRP)
(9) Technical Co-operation Programme (TCP)
(10) Regional Programme (RP) (address meteorological, hydrological and other geophysical issues unique to common concern to a region)

IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development)
-To combat hunger and rural poverty in developing countries
-9 major areas
(1) Agricultural development
(2) Financial services
(3) Rural infrastructure
(4) Livestock
(5) Fisheries
(6) Capacity-and institution-building
(7) Storage/food/processing/marketing
(8) Research/training
(9) Off-farm activities
-IFAD provides grants for agroforestry systems, crop production systems, income generating activities, integrated pest management, livestock health, plant genetic resources conservation and management…

IMF(International Monetary Fund)
-3 main activities
(1) Promote global growth and economic stability ? and thereby prevent economic crisis (technical assistance and training programme to help countries strengthen capacity to design and implement effective policies)
(2) Help in recovery (financial assistance to correct balance of payments problem)
(3) Reduce poverty

World Bank Group

-WB Group comprises of IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA and ICSID
-To fight poverty and improve living standards in developing world
-Fully support achieving MDGs
-4 major topics
(1) Agriculture and rural development (forests and forestry, water resources management, sustainable agriculture, gender and rural development, agricultural trade)
(2) Energy (support implementation of work programme in electric power, natural gas, renewable energy, energy efficiency, rural electrification, mining, and energy trade)
(3) Environment (Biodiversity, forests and forestry, land resources management, dams and reservoirs, groundwater resources management and coastal and marine environment management, pollution management, climate change…)
(4) Health, nutrition, and population (child health and immunization, nutrition, cardiovascular health, tuberculosis, indoor air pollution, water and sanitation…)

ADB(Asian Development Bank)
-Goal is to reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific
-3 topic areas
(1) Environment (promoting sustainable development and environmental protection is ADB’s key strategic development objective)
- water quality and flood control
- air pollution
- coastal erosion and resource degradation
- urban development and coastal environmental management
- infrastructure improvements for water supply and sewage systems
(2) Renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change (technical assistance programme on climate change including capacity building activities on generic climate change issues and CDM)
(3) Water (access to safe drinking water and sanitation)

APCTT(Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology)
-To assist countries (ESCAP) through strengthening capabilities to develop, transfer, adapt and apply technology, and identify and promote development and transfer of technologies relevant to Asia and the Pacific region
-Environmental activities
- Waste management and technologies
- Air pollution
- Waste water cleaning and purification
- Ozone layer conservation and protection
- Energy efficiency
- Non conventional energy sources
- Soil remediation
- Biotechnology

APO(Asia Productivity Organization)
- To increase productivity in Asia and the Pacific countries (ESCAP) through mutual co-operation
- Main programme
- Industry, service and agricultural sector with special focus on socio-economic development
- Small industry development
- Human resources management
- Productivity measurement and analysis
- Quality management
- Production and technology management
- Information technology
- Green Productivity (GP) strategies (to enhance productivity and environmental protection in manufacturing, service, agriculture and community)

SAARC(South Asia Association for Regional Co-operation)
- The core of SAARC work programme is the Integrated Programme of Action (IPA) with 7 major areas of co-operation
(1) Agriculture and rural development
(2) Communications and transport
(3) Social development
(4) Environment, meteorology and forestry
(5) Science and technology
(6) Human resources development
(7) Energy (encourage use of environment-friendly energy sources, i.e. natural gas, hydro-electricity and other renewable energy)

SACEP(South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme)
- Promote and support the conservation and management of the environment, both natural and human in South Asia region
- Based on ESCAP developed framework of Regional Strategy on Environmentally Sound Sustainable Development (RSESD)
- Main areas of interest
- Environmental Law
- Biodiversity
- Coastal and marine ecosystem management
- Land management
- Capacity-building (Education and training)
- Energy
- Environmental management ? disaster management

PIF(Pacific Islands Forum)
-Provide policy options to the Pacific Islands
-PIFS (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat) is Chair of CROP (Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific)
-Main activities
- Policy advice and technical assistance on development and economic issues (economic infrastructure establishment, conservation of natural resources, solving social issues…)
- Policy advice and assistance on international relations, law enforcement co-operation, legal and security issues
- Policy advice and technical assistance in improving trade and investment performance

AusAID(Australian Agency for International Development)
- To advance Australia’s national interest by helping developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development
- Main activities
- promoting effective governance
- improving access to quality education
- improving health
- improving agriculture and rural development
- providing essential infrastructure
- maximizing environmental sustainability (preventing annual flooding, increasing agricultural productivity, improving water resource management, enhancing the environmental management capacity, supporting processes to ban and destroy persistent organic pollutants in the Pacific…)

JICA(Japan International Co-operation Agency)
-Advance co-operation between Japan and developing countries through sharing knowledge and experience, thereby build a more peaceful and prosperous world
-Main activities
- Technical training
- Expert missions
- Equipment assistance
- Project-type co-operation (in 4 sectors: social development; public health and population/family planning; agriculture, forestry, and fisheries; and industrial development)
- Development studies (study teams in formulating development plans)
- Grant aid programme (to meet Basic Human Need (BHN), which includes medical care, public health, water supply, rural and agricultural development, and human resources development)

KOICA(Korea International Co-operation Agency)
-To assist developing countries towards independence and self-sufficiency
-Main activities
- Expert missions (agriculture, environment, energy)
- Equipment support
- Project type co-operation (in education, vocational training, health and medical services, information technology, agriculture and fisheries, public administration…)
- Support NGOs (who mainly work for poverty alleviation and increase public welfare in developing countries)

USAID(United States Agency for International Development)
-Assist long-term and equitable economic growth and advance US foreign policy objectives by supporting;
-Economic growth, agriculture and trade
-Global health, and
-Democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance
- Main areas
- Agriculture (increase productivity)
- Environment (natural resources management, land and water management)
- Global health (child health, infectious diseases)
-Cross-cutting Programme
- Implement the goals with other sectors in a coordinated fashion, e.g. project on preservation and environmentally sound development of world’s water resources

DFID(Department for International Development)
-To reduce global poverty and promote sustainable development, in particular through achieving MDGs
- 2 main thematic areas
(1) Environment, Natural Resources, Land Tenure
- Food security and production activities (food security, agriculture and land, livestock)
- Water (water resources management including dams and irrigation)
(2) Health and Medicine
- Water and human health (improved health from better quality water)
- Access to sanitation and improve hygiene

OECD/IEA(OECD International Energy Agency)
- An intergovernmental body committed to advancing security of energy supply, economic growth and environmental sustainability through energy policy co-operation
- 3 Pillars: Economic, Social and Environmental
- Energy and Environment programme
- Analyze and interpret the technology and policy options that may be taken to mitigate climate change
- Research on climate friendly technologies
- Research on the development of emission trading of Kyoto Protocol

And Others
SPF (South Pacific Forum)
ECO (Economic Co-operation Organization)
APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Community)
EAEC (East Asia Economic Caucus)
PECC (Pacific Economic Co-operation Council)
UNCSTD (UN Center on Science and Technology for Development)
UNCTC (UN Center on Transnational Corporation)
UNFSTD (UN Fund for Science and Technology for Development)
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
and more.

What To Do?
Some Suggestions and Action Plan
- Task Force assignment to develop strategies to create new fund sources and to promote new partnerships
- More enhanced and professional RCA information programme based on RCA success stories (incl. advertisements)
- More upgrades database through information networking
- Brain-storming Workshop for Working Staff responsible for RCA matters of Member States to make an orchestrated effort for promoting partnerships
- Establish Third Party Allies (who will advocate RCA: e.g. Creation of RCA Club)
- Encourage RCA Ambassador (to address before various potential partners)
- Support RCA Ministerial Meeting, etc.

Joint Communique of37th ASEAN Ministerial MeetingJakarta, 29-30 June 2004
About UN MDGs
“ The MDGs had clearly set specific targets for countries to fulfill in close cooperation with the international community.
“ We reaffirmed our commitment to enhance our cooperation to achieve the objectives of MDGs.
“ We emphasized our commitment to translate commitments into actions, including through the creation of a genuine global and regional partnership among governments, international organizations and all relevant stakeholders.”