IAEA Organization and RCA |
Regional co-operative frameworks under the Aegis of IAEA |
- RCA (South-east Asia and the Pacific) ? 17 MSs - AFRA (Africa) ? 29 MSs - ARCAL (Latin America and the Caribbean) ? 20 MSs - ARASIA (Arab States in Asia) ? 6 MSs | |
What is RCA? |
- Established in 1972 under the aegis of IAEA - Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries (TCDC) in Peaceful Nuclear Science and Technology - Contribute to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs) by using distinctive advantage of nuclear technologies - 17 IAEA Member States in East Asia and the Pacific - Appr. 80% of Budget for RCA Projects supported by IAEA/TCF - (Rest of appr. 20% by Extra-budgetary Contributions from MSs) - RCA: Regional Co-operative Agreement - - - - - For Research, Development and Training - - - - - Related to Nuclear Science and Technology - - - - - for Asia and the Pacific | |
RCA Member States (Chronology of Ratification of RCA Agreement) |
- 1972: India, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam - 1973: The Philippines - 1974: Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan - 1975: Malaysia - 1976: Sri Lanka - 1977: Australia, China - 1982: Japan - 1992: Mongolia - 1994: Myanmar, New Zealand
(Non-RCA Member States in Asia and the Pacific Region: Marshall Island) | |
IAEA TC Projects |
* RAS : Regional Projects of East Asia & the Pacific
| |
RCA Vision |
To become a respected Regional Resources Community In Nuclear science and technology, Competence and cost effectiveness, In providing high impact solutions, On a sustainable basis, To socio-economic development problems, For identified end-users, Within the region and Member States | |
RCA Meetings |
Policy Level Meetings |
- General Conference Meeting (GCM) ? September at Vienna - National Representatives Meeting (NRM) ? Spring at Member State | |
Project Related Meetings |
- Lead Country Coordinators (LCC) Meeting - Project Committee Meeting - Project Advisory Body Meeting | |
Modalities of RCA Programme |
- Events: Regional Training Courses/Workshops (50-60 events per year in the region) - Scientific Visits - Fellowships - Expert Missions | | |
RCA Stakeholders |
- National RCA Representatives - RCA Chair - Director of RCARO - Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of RCARO - Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators (TSLCCs) and Assistant Lead Country Coordinators (TSALCCs) - Project Lead Country Coordinators (PLCCs) and Assistant Project Lead Country Coordinators (APLCCs) - National RCA Project Coordinators (NPCs) - National Project Teams (NPTs)
IAEA Side |
- IAEA/RCA Coordinator (RCA office) - Technical Officers (TOs) | | |
Roles and Responsibilities of National Project Coordinators |
- Provide leadership for implementation of the project at national level - Provide information on the progress of the project to the NR on a regular basis - Provide information through NR to PLCC on the status and needs of the on-going project, and information needed for project design and for drafting detailed project proposal when requested by PLCC - Establish and maintain links with relevant national institutes, and potential end-users - Establish a National Project Team with the approval of NR, and assign responsibilities for each member - Recommend to NR for nomination to RCA events and activities and ensure their timely nomination - Prepare Work Plan for implementation of the project at national level (National Work Plan), and monitor the implementation through regular consultations with the National Project Team - Submit a progress report of project activities to PLCC through NR twice a year (end of June and end of December) - Report on the progress of the project, and future project requirements at the Project Committee Meeting
* Project Committee Meeting: NPCs of participating MSs and the TO of IAEA | |
RCA Co-operative Projects |
Thematic Sectors and Lead Country Coordinators |
1. Agriculture ? CPR (Sun Quoqing) 2. Human Health ? JPN (Takashi Nakano) 3. Industry ? IND (Gursharan Singh) 4. Environment ? NZE (Andreas Markowitz) 5. Energy Planning ? ROK (Man-Ki Lee) 6. Research Reactor Utilization - ROK (B. J. Jun) 7. Radiation Safety ? AUL (David Woods)
ENO (Electronic Networking and Outreach) ? MAL (Safuan Sulaiman)
* Term of the current LCCs: Until 2006 | | |
2005-06 RCA Projects |
Agriculture (3) |
1) 5/040: Enhancement of genetic diversity in food, pulses, and oil crops and establishment of mutant germplasm network (RDA 강철환) 2) 5/043: Development of sustainable land use and management strategies for controlling soil erosion and improving soil and water quality (RDA 정필균) 3) 5/044: Integrated approach for improving livestock production utilizing indigenous resources and conserving the environment (RDA 장원경) | |
Human Health (6) |
1) 6/029: Distance assisted training for nuclear medicine technicians (서울의대 정준기) 2) 6/033: Distance education in radiation oncology (KIRAMS 유성렬) 3) 6/038: Strengthening medical physics through education and training (KIRAMS 지영훈) 4) 6/040: Improvement of QA for brachytherapy of frequent cancers in the region (KIRAMS 조철구) 5) 6/041: Prevention of osteoporosis and promotion of bone bass in Asian population using a food-based approach (KIRAMS: 심정섭) 6) 6/042: Tumor imaging using radioisotopes (서울의대 정재민) | |
Industry (3) |
8/098: Radiation technology for development of advanced materials (KAERI 노영창) 8/099: Radioisotope technology for natural resource exploration and exploitation (KAERI 정성희) 8/100: Advanced industrial radiography (KAERI 정용무) | |
Environment (3) |
1) 7/013: Nuclear techniques for improved management of trans-boundary air pollution in the RCA region (KAERI 정용삼) 2) 8/095: Improving regional capacity for assessment, planning and response to aquatic environmental emergencies (KORDI 홍기훈) 3) 8/097: Application of isotope techniques in groundwater contamination studies in urbanized and industrialized areas (KAERI 김천수) | |
Energy Planning (1) |
1) 0/041: Tracing future sustainability paths through nuclear and other energy options (KAERI 이만기) | |
Research Reactor Utilization (1) |
1) 4/024: RI production and neutron beam applications with assured safety (KAERI 김영진) | |
Radiation Safety (3) |
1) 9/029: Harmonization of radiation safety (KINS 이병수) 2) 9/031: Assessment of radiological risks (KAERI 이창우) 3) 9/032: Radiological emergency response (KINS 한승재) | | |
Budget Allocation by Thematic Sector (2005-06) |
Agriculture |
898,830 (13.77%) |
Human Health |
1,803,420 (27.62%) |
Industry |
961,620 (14.73%) |
Environment |
1,019,290 (15.61%) |
Energy |
274,590 ( 4.21%) |
Res. Reactor |
312,610 (4.79%) |
Radiation Safety |
786,440 (12.05%) |
Management of TCDC |
471,770 (7.23%) |
USD 6,528,670 (100%) | | |
27th RCA NRM |
- Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Dates: 4-8 April 2005 - Scientific Forum |
- 6-7 April 2005 - Theme: Fusion of Knowledge for Sustainable Development | | |
Prioritization of RCA 2007-08 Projects Proposals |
Agriculture |
1) Improvement of Crop Quality and Stress Tolerance 2) Food-Irradiation Technology for Improving Scio-economic Development 3) Improvement of Productivity of Small Ruminant Generic Resources | |
Human Health |
1) Nuclear Medicine Technologists Training 2) 3D Radiotherapy for Predominant Cancers in the Region 3) Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Training 4) Development of Advanced PET and CT Technologies | |
Industry |
1) New Applications of NAS in Minerals and Resources Industries 2) Development of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography 3) Radiation Processing Applications for Health and Environment 4) Improving Environment using Radiotracer and Sealed Source | |
Environment |
1) Source Identification of Air Particulate Pollution 2) Assessment of Radiological Impact of Nuclear Power Activities 3) Assessment of Fresh Water Quality using Environmental Isotopes 4) Impact Study on Heavy-elements on Water Pollution | |
Research Reactor Utilization |
1) Increase of Material Value by Neutron Irradiation 2) Advances in PSA of RR and their Application 3) Severe Core Damage Analysis Code Development | |
Radiation Protection |
1) Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure | |
Energy Planning |
1) Formulation of Sustainable Energy Development Strategies under the Framework of Climate Change | | |
Decisions by 27th NRM on RCARO |
- Appointed a new RCARO Director |
- Open Application from MSs through Vacancy Notice - Selection Committee’s Review - Advisory Committee’s Recommendation - Appointment by NRM | |
- Agreed Full Operation of RCARO (As the necessary legal provisions functioning in Korea completed, NRM agreed RCARO to enter into full operation) |
- Approved RCARO 2005 Work Plan |
- RCARO Strategic Workshop - A pilot project with international development organizations - Highlight RCA success stories | | |
RCA Regional Office |
Why Regional Office 35Needed? |
Need to have an organization stationed in the region that will |
- represent Member States before regional and international organizations - reflect regional requirements when formulating co-operative projects - increase awareness about RCA so that its achievements and potentials can be recognized properly - attract donors thus promote RCA project partners - endeavor for preserving and enhancing nuclear knowledge for future needs | | |
Mandate of RCARO |
- Increasing RCA Awareness (Visibility) - Promoting RCA Partnerships (Viability)
- Nuclear Knowledge Preservation and Enhancement - Other Directives by Member States | |
Milestones of RCARO |
- 2000: Korea offered to host RCARO in Korea - 2001: MSs agreed to establish RCARO in Korea - 2002: RCARO opened in Korea (27 March 2002) - 2003: RCA GCM adopted a ‘Resolution on the Establishment of the RCARO in Korea’ to provide a legal back-up measure for functioning - 2005: RCA NRM agreed full operation of RCARO after the 3-year interim period and appointed a new Director selected through open - applications | |
Operation of RCARO |
- Operational budget: Contribution by Korean Government (2002: $ 0.4 M, 2003: $ 0.5 M, 2004: $ 0.6 M, 2005: $ 0.7M) - Location: Presently at Daejeon (within the KAERI premises) - Staff: 6 including an Appointed Director - Steering Committee operated by the host Government reviews operational aspect of RCARO (9 Members, Chair: Director General, Atomic Energy Bureau, MOST) - Standing Advisory Committee appointed by RCA Member States advises roles and responsibilities of RCARO on behalf of the Member States (Currently, PAK, MAL, THA, AUL, ROK and IAEA) - Technical Advisory Committee (Local and external experts to give advice on RCARO initiated projects) ? Local RCA Stakeholders | |
RCA Awareness Increasing Programme |
- Strengthening RCA Information Flow Activities through Internet (Operation of RCARO website, RCARO Emailing Service, Linkage with Nuclear related Industry in the Region, Linkage with Nuclear Education and Training Institutions in the Region, Linkage with regional and international development partners, Database for Industrial Nuclear Applications in the Region, etc.) - Support High-tech Computers to Member States (In 2004, RCARO supported 2 sets of high-tech computers plus laser-jet printers to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Philippine) - Publications (CD Rom for RCA Information Kit, Booklets for RCA Success Stories) - Presentations, Briefing Meetings, Lectures on RCA and RCARO (Government, Diplomatic Missions both in Korea and at Member States, Industry, Academic Institutions, Hospitals, International Seminars/Conferences, etc) - RCA Stakeholders Meetings (RCA project participants) (2002: THA, 2003: VIE, 2004: PHI) - Information programme through the media (Press interviews, press releases) - Redesigning RCA Logo - Study and survey on application of radiation technology in the region (Experts invited from Sri Lanka and Indonesia for 4 months work each from May 2004. In 2005, another 2 experts (Myanmar and Thailand) are planned to invite.) | |
RCA Partnership Promoting Programme |
Regional/International Organizations |
- UNESCAP (Joint Project on Hazardous Waste Management) - ADB (Asian Development Bank) - UNU (Joint Academic Course on Nuclear Policy Establishment) - FNCA (Complementary Co-operation for Synergic Impact) | |
KOICA (Korea International Co-operation Agency) |
- Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Course (1st Year Course: Oct. 2003, 15 Participants from RCA MSs) (2nd Year Course: Oct. 2004, 15 Participants from RCA MSs) - Regional Training Courses | |
Korean Nuclear Institutes (KAERI, KINS, KIRAMS, KEPRI, etc) |
(To accept post-doc fellowships from Member States for attachment to Korea’s major national nuclear research and development projects) | |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
(To accept students from Member States for Master’s Degree course in nuclear and quantum engineering) | |
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science (KIRAMS) |
(To transfer quality Co-60 equipment with radiation source from Korea to Member States for cancer treatment: In 2004, transfer of a Co-60 unit to Viet Nam on-going) | | |
Other Directives from MSs |
Workshop on RCA Working-Level Staff of Member States (June 2004 in Daejeon, Korea) |
- Dates: 7-9 June 2005 - Place: Cheju Island (To be confirmed) - Invited RCA experts: AUL, MAL, PHI, IND, IAEA/RCA Coordinator and Former RCA Coordinator | |
Database of RCA related information |
- UN systems organizations - International financial organizations - Regional and International development organizations - National organizations for international development - National holidays of RCA Member States - RCA related acronyms (general, technical, international acronyms) | | |
Three Pillars of RCA Information Flow |
1. IAEA TC Website-RCA www-tc.iaea.org - RCA Vienna (under IAEA TC Website)
2. RCA Regional Website (MAL-hosted) www.rca.iaea.org - RCA Membbers-only Homepage (www.rca.iaea.org/members/Default.htm) <<ID: rca Passwork: enet>>
3. RCARO Website (RCA Regional Office) www.rcaro.org | |
FNCA Activities |
Research Reactor Utilization |
- Tc-99m Generation for nuclear medicine - Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) for analysis of airborne particulates and Ko-method application - Neutron Scattering (NS) | |
Application for Agriculture |
- Mutation Breeding (Drought tolerant sorghum and soybean, insect resistant orchids, disease resistant banana) - Bio-fertilizer for Nitrogen Fixing Plants | |
Application for Medical Care |
- Radiation Oncology (Development and use of protocol for standardized cancer treatment, in particular, uterine cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer) - Cyclotron and PET in Nuclear Medicine (supported by MAL) | |
Public Information of Nuclear Energy |
Improvement of Radioactive Waste Management |
- To respond to international trends in radiation protection - To improve RWM system in member countries | |
Nuclear Safety Culture (sponsored by AUL) |
- Peer review on safety culture of research reactors by experts | |
Human Resources Development |
- Development of HRD strategy to meet the need of nuclear power and radiation applications | |
Industrial Application (Low-energy Electron Accelerator) for material development and environmental conservation |
(NEW) Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia | |