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Meeting Report and its Annexes of the 47th RCA GCM are available on the RCA website. Please log in to access the documents (http://www.rcaro.org/gcm/view/id/...
RCA PAC Survey Form on In-kind contributions: Cover Letter & Survey Form - In-kind contributions_RCARO.docx Submission due: 31 January 2019
Mr Zulkifli Mohamed Hashim,Deputy Director General of Research & Technology Development, Malaysian Nuclear Agency,has become the National RC...
Mr. Rishi Raj Koirala,Joint Secretary (Tech) and Chief of Nuclear Material Management Division, Ministry of education, Science and Technology,ha...
The 47th RCA General Conference Meeting will be held at the IAEAheadquarters in Vienna, Austria (MBuilding, Room M6) on Friday, 14 September 2018...
Mr. Phiphat Phruksarojanakun, Director of International Cooperation of the Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) has become the National RCA Representative of Th...