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The 48th RCA General Conference Meeting held on 13 September 2019 at IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria The 48th RCA General Conference Meeting (RCA GCM) ...
Mr Mahbubul Hoq, Chairman of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), has become the National RCA Representative of Bangladesh. He can be contacted at rc...
The 48th RCA General Conference Meeting will be held at the IAEAheadquarters in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, 13 September 2019. Background documents of ...
Report and its Annexes for the 41st Meeting of National RCA Representativesare available on the RCA website. Please log in to access the documents (htt...
The 41st Regional Meeting of National RCA Representatives held on 26-29 March 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka The 41st Regional Meeting of National RCA Repres...
Mr Shambhu Acharya, Officer of Nuclear Material Management Division, Ministry of Education, Schience and Technology, has become the National RCA Representat...