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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795418 CANCERS Challenges and Advances in Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia 2022-01-19 10.3390/cancers14030497 Marvin-Peek Jennifer, Savani Bipin N., Olalekan Oluwole O., Dholaria Bhagirathbhai
795417 CANCERS Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Urokinase and Its Receptor in Cancer 2022-01-19 10.3390/cancers14030498 Masucci Maria Teresa, Minopoli Michele, Di Carluccio Gioconda Di, Motti Maria Letizia, Carriero Maria Vincenza
795416 CANCERS Sphingosine Kinase-1 is Overexpressed and Correlates with Hypoxia in Osteosarcoma: Relationship with Clinicopathological Parameters 2022-01-19 10.3390/cancers14030499 Gomez-Brouchet Anne, Illac Claire, Ledoux Adeline, Fortin Pierre-Yves, de Barros Sandra de, Vabre Clémentine, Despas Fabien, Peries Sophie, Casaroli Christelle, Bouvier Corinne, Aubert Sébastien, de Pinieux Gonzague de, Larousserie Frédérique, Galmiche Louise, Talmont Franck, Pitson Stuart, Maddelein Marie-Lise, Cuvillier Olivier
795415 CANCERS Do We Need to Delineate the Humeral Head in Breast Cancer Patients? 2022-01-19 10.3390/cancers14030496 Belaidi Lahcene, Loap Pierre, Kirova Youlia
795414 CANCERS Characterization of Immunoactive and Immunotolerant CD4+ T Cells in Breast Cancer by Measuring Activity of Signaling Pathways That Determine Immune Cell Function 2022-01-19 10.3390/cancers14030490 Wesseling-Rozendaal Yvonne, van Doorn Arie, Willard-Gallo Karen, van de Stolpe Anja
795413 ANTIOXIDANTS Chokeberry Pomace as a Component Shaping the Content of Bioactive Compounds and Nutritional, Health-Promoting (Anti-Diabetic and Antioxidant) and Sensory Properties of Shortcrust Pastries Sweetened with Sucrose and Erythritol 2022-01-19 10.3390/antiox11020190 Raczkowska Ewa, Nowicka Paulina, Wojdyło Aneta, Styczyńska Marzena, Lazar Zbigniew
795412 ANTIOXIDANTS Protective Effect of GIP against Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Ferroptosis in Mouse Hippocampal HT-22 Cells through the MAPK Signalling Pathway 2022-01-19 10.3390/antiox11020189 Ko Jiwon, Jang Soyoung, Kwon Wookbong, Kim Si-Yong, Jang Soyeon, Kim Eungyung, Ji Young-Rae, Park Sijun, Kim Myoung-Ok, Choi Seong-Kyoon, Cho Dong-Hyung, Lee Hyun-Shik, Lim Su-Geun, Ryoo Zae-Young
795411 ANTIOXIDANTS Prophylactic and Ameliorative Effects of PPAR-γ Agonist Pioglitazone in Improving Oxidative Stress, Germ Cell Apoptosis and Inflammation in Gentamycin-Induced Testicular Damage in Adult Male Albino Rats 2022-01-19 10.3390/antiox11020191 El-Sayed Karima, Ali Dina A., Maher Shymaa Ahmed, Ghareeb Dalia, Selim Samy, Albogami Sarah, Fayad Eman, Kolieb Eman
795410 ANTIOXIDANTS Oxidized Forms of Ergothioneine Are Substrates for Mammalian Thioredoxin Reductase 2022-01-19 10.3390/antiox11020185 Jenny Kaelyn A., Mose Gracyn, Haupt Daniel J., Hondal Robert J.
795409 ANTIOXIDANTS Antioxidant Properties of Pulp, Peel and Seeds of Phlegrean Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) at Different Stages of Fruit Ripening 2022-01-19 10.3390/antiox11020187 Costanzo Giulia, Vitale Ermenegilda, Iesce Maria Rosaria, Naviglio Daniele, Amoresano Angela, Fontanarosa Carolina, Spinelli Michele, Ciaravolo Martina, Arena Carmen