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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795438 NANOMATERIALS Intrinsic Dynamic and Static Nature of π···π Interactions in Fused Benzene-Type Helicenes and Dimers, Elucidated with QTAIM Dual Functional Analysis 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030321 Nishide Taro, Hayashi Satoko
795437 NANOMATERIALS Superhydrophobic Ni-Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid Coatings with Quasi-Periodic Spike Structures 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030314 Bahtiar Ayi, Hardiati Mila Sri, Faizal Ferry, Muthukannan Vanitha, Panatarani Camellia, Joni I Made
795436 NANOMATERIALS Citric Acid-Mediated Microwave-Hydrothermal Synthesis of Mesoporous F-Doped HAp Nanorods from Bio-Waste for Biocidal Implant Applications 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030315 Karunakaran Gopalu, Cho Eun-Bum, Kumar Govindan Suresh, Kolesnikov Evgeny, Sudha Kattakgoundar Govindaraj, Mariyappan Kowsalya, Han Areum, Choi Shin Sik
795435 NANOMATERIALS Aqueous Manufacturing of Defect-Free Thick Multi-Layer NMC811 Electrodes 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030317 Neidhart Lukas, Fröhlich Katja, Eshraghi Nicolas, Cupid Damian, Winter Franz, Jahn Marcus
795434 NANOMATERIALS Cu-Doped Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Solid-Phase Extraction and Determination of Rhodamine B in Foods Matrix 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030318 Liu Fujie, Zhou Qihang, Li Yurui, Pang Jingyu
795433 NANOMATERIALS Improvement in Luminescence Intensity of β-NaYF4: 18%Yb3+, 2%Er3+@β-NaYF4 Nanoparticles as a Result of Synthesis in the Presence of Stearic Acid 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030319 Kaminski Piotr, Przybylska Dominika, Klima Gabriela, Grzyb Tomasz
795432 NANOMATERIALS The Low-Temperature Photocurrent Spectrum of Monolayer MoSe2: Excitonic Features and Gate Voltage Dependence 2022-01-19 10.3390/nano12030322 Vaquero Daniel, Salvador-Sánchez Juan, Clericò Vito, Diez Enrique, Quereda Jorge
795431 PHARMACEUTICALS Evaluation of New Antimicrobial Agents Based on tris(1H-Indol-3-yl)methylium Salts: Activity, Toxicity, Suppression of Experimental Sepsis in Mice 2022-01-19 10.3390/ph15020118 Trenin Alexey S., Isakova Elena B., Treshchalin Michael I., Polozkova Vasilisa A., Mirchink Elena P., Panov Alexey A., Simonov Alexander Y., Bychkova Olga P., Tatarskiy Victor V., Lavrenov Sergey N.
795430 PHARMACEUTICALS First In Silico Screening of Insect Molecules for Identification of Novel Anti-Parasitic Compounds 2022-01-19 10.3390/ph15020119 Gallinger Tom L., Aboagye Samuel Y., Obermann Wiebke, Weiss Michael, Grünweller Arnold, Unverzagt Carlo, Williams David L., Schlitzer Martin, Haeberlein Simone
795429 PHARMACEUTICALS Will Cannabigerol Trigger Neuroregeneration after a Spinal Cord Injury? An In Vitro Answer from NSC-34 Scratch-Injured Cells Transcriptome 2022-01-19 10.3390/ph15020117 Valeri Andrea, Chiricosta Luigi, Gugliandolo Agnese, Pollastro Federica, Mazzon Emanuela