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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
796018 PEERJ Convergent molecular evolution of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene family in C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism plants 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12828 Shu Jiang-Ping, Yan Yue-Hong, Wang Rui-Jiang
796017 PEERJ Exploring the relationship between ADHD, its common comorbidities, and their relationship to organizational skills 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12836 Durand Guillaume, Arbone Ioana-Smarandita
796016 PEERJ Ecosystem design as an avenue for improving services provided by carbonate producing marine ecosystems 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12785 Westphal Hildegard, Murphy Gary N., Doo Steve S., Mann Thomas, Petrovic Alexander, Schmidt Christiane, Stuhr Marleen
796015 PEERJ Fast, low-memory detection and localization of large, polymorphic inversions from SNPs 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12831 Nowling Ronald J., Fallas-Moya Fabian, Sadovnik Amir, Emrich Scott, Aleck Matthew, Leskiewicz Daniel, Peters John G.
796014 PEERJ Galapagos land iguanas as ecosystem engineers 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12711 Tapia Washington, Gibbs James P.
796013 PEERJ Genetic diversity of indigenous guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) using microsatellite markers in northern Togo 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12637 Soara Aïcha Edith, Talaki Essodina, Dayo Guiguigbaza-Kossigan, Houaga Isidore, Tona Kokou, Bakkali Mohammed
796012 PEERJ Should I use fixed effects or random effects when I have fewer than five levels of a grouping factor in a mixed-effects model? 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12794 Gomes Dylan G.E.
796011 PEERJ Knockdown of GmD53a confers strigolactones mediated rhizobia interaction and promotes nodulation in soybean 2022-01-20 10.7717/peerj.12815 Rehman Naveed, Khan Fahim Ullah, Imran Muhammad, Rajput Shahid Ali, Li Yiming, Ullah Ihteram, Akhtar Rana waseem, Imran Muhammad, AL-Huqail Arwa Abdulkreem, Askary Ahmad El, Khalifa Amany Salah, Azhar Muhammad Tehseen
796010 ONCOIMMUNOLOGY Fc-based Duokines: dual-acting costimulatory molecules comprising TNFSF ligands in the single-chain format fused to a heterodimerizing Fc (scDk-Fc) 2022-01-20 10.1080/2162402x.2022.2028961 Aschmoneit Nadine, Kocher Katharina, Siegemund Martin, Lutz Martina S., Kühl Lennart, Seifert Oliver, Kontermann Roland E.
796009 ONCOIMMUNOLOGY Potential of Mycobacterium tuberculosis chorismate mutase (Rv1885c) as a novel TLR4-mediated adjuvant for dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy 2022-01-20 10.1080/2162402x.2021.2023340 Jeong Hyein, Lee So-Young, Seo Hyejun, Kim Dong Hyun, Lee Duhyung, Kim Bum-Joon