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796028 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Effect of a Topical Collagen Tripeptide on Antiaging and Inhibition of Glycation of the Skin: A Pilot Study 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031101 Lee Young In, Lee Sang Gyu, Jung Inhee, Suk Jangmi, Lee Mun-Hoe, Kim Do-Un, Lee Ju Hee
796027 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES NMR and MD Analysis of the Bonding Interaction of Vancomycin with Muramyl Pentapeptide 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031146 Ślusarz Rafał, Dmochowska Barbara, Samaszko-Fiertek Justyna, Brzozowski Krzysztof, Madaj Janusz
796026 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Exosomal MALAT1 Derived from High Glucose-Treated Macrophages Up-Regulates Resistin Expression via miR-150-5p Downregulation 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031095 Shyu Kou-Gi, Wang Bao-Wei, Fang Wei-Jen, Pan Chun-Ming, Lin Chiu-Mei
796025 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Computational Characterization of Mechanical, Hemodynamic, and Surface Interaction Conditions: Role of Protein Adsorption on the Regenerative Response of TEVGs 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031130 Riveros Alejandra, Garcia-Brand Andres J., Rodriguez-Soto Maria A., Sandoval Nestor, Muñoz-Camargo Carolina, Cruz Juan C., Briceño Juan C.
796024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Fosfomycin Resistance Evolutionary Pathways of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in Different Growing Conditions 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031132 Gil-Gil Teresa, Martínez José L.
796023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Cell–Cell Mating Interactions: Overview and Potential of Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031110 Lipke Peter N., Rauceo Jason M., Viljoen Albertus
796022 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Cysteine 467 of the ASCT2 Amino Acid Transporter Is a Molecular Determinant of the Antiport Mechanism 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031127 Scalise Mariafrancesca, Pappacoda Gilda, Mazza Tiziano, Console Lara, Pochini Lorena, Indiveri Cesare
796021 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Novel Therapeutic Opportunities in Neoadjuvant Setting in Urothelial Cancers: A New Horizon Opened by Molecular Classification and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031133 Iacovino Maria Lucia, Miceli Chiara Carmen, De Felice Marco, Barone Biagio, Pompella Luca, Chiancone Francesco, Di Zazzo Erika, Tirino Giuseppe, Della Corte Carminia Maria, Imbimbo Ciro, De Vita Ferdinando, Crocetto Felice
796020 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Inflammation Regulates Haematopoietic Stem Cells and Their Niche 2022-01-20 10.3390/ijms23031125 Ho Nicole Pui-Yu, Takizawa Hitoshi
796019 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMAGING SCIENCE CT-guided microwave ablation of hepatic malignancies via transpulmonary approach without ancillary techniques 2022-01-20 10.25259/jcis_152_2021 Raissi Driss, Sanampudi Sreeja, Yu Qian, Winkler Michael