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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
796688 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Pericarditis With Cardiac Tamponade Mimicking Yellow Nail Syndrome in a Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis and a Paucity of Joint Symptoms 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21523 Tokonami Ayuko, Ohta Ryuichi, Tanaka Yudai, Amano Shiho, Sano Chiaki
796687 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Classical 11β-Hydroxylase Deficiency Caused by a Novel Homozygous Mutation: A Case Study and Literature Review 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21537 Alsanea Mohammad N, Al-Agha Abdulmoein, Shazly Mohamed Abdelmaksoud
796686 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Predictors of Outcome of Cirrhotic Patients Requiring Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: Experience From a Non-Transplant Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21517 Kamran Muhammad, Khalid Abdullah B, Siddiqui H. A. Basit, Aftab Azib, Azmat Rabeea
796685 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD An Uncommon Case of Dulaglutide-Related Morbilliform Drug Eruption 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21536 Kyriakos Georgios, Diamantis Evangelos, Memi Eleni, Elefsiniotis Ioannis
796684 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Hyperprolactinemia in Adults Treated With Anti-psychotic Drugs Attending Tertiary Hospitals in Oman: An Observational Study 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21532 Al Harthi Mohamed S, Al Ghafri Thamra S, Al Wasify Loai, Al Akhzami Salma, AlHarthi Ahmed, Al Harthi Saud, Al Sibani Nasser
796683 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is an Ideal Imaging Method to Detect Infection in Pancreatic Collections: A Brief Primer for the Gastroenterologists 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21530 Sureka Binit, Rai Balwant, Varshney Vaibhav K, Nag Vijaya Lakshmi, Garg Mahendra Kumar, Garg Pawan, Yadav Taruna, Khera Pushpinder S
796682 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD A Case Report of the Ongoing Management and Comorbidities of Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome with an Unusual Presentation 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21531 Meier Casey, Grove John, Gromley Adam, Bowman Rachel
796681 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Chronic Low Back Pain Forced Me to Search for and Find Pain Solutions: An Autobiographical Case Report 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21529 Bertrand Helene
796680 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Role of Neodymium Double Frequency Laser Posterior Hyaloidotomy in Delayed Presentation of Sub-hyaloid Haemorrhage 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21534 Tripathi Alka, Agarwal Richa, Chaurasia Sushma
796679 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Extracting Safety-II Factors From an Incident Reporting System by Text Analysis 2022-01-23 10.7759/cureus.21528 Abe Takeru, Sato Hitoshi, Nakamura Kyota