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796738 SENSORS A Model-Based Analysis of Capacitive Flow Metering for Pneumatic Conveying Systems: A Comparison between Calibration-Based and Tomographic Approaches 2022-01-23 10.3390/s22030856 Suppan Thomas, Neumayer Markus, Bretterklieber Thomas, Puttinger Stefan, Wegleiter Hannes
796737 CELLS The Influence of Gut Microbiota on Neurogenesis: Evidence and Hopes 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030382 Sarubbo Fiorella, Cavallucci Virve, Pani Giovambattista
796736 CELLS LncCDH5-3:3 Regulates Apoptosis, Proliferation, and Aggressiveness in Human Lung Cancer Cells 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030378 Kwaśniak Konrad, Czarnik-Kwaśniak Justyna, Malysheva Khrystyna, Pogoda Katarzyna, Korchynskyi Olexandr, Rybojad Paweł, Karczmarek-Borowska Bożenna, Tabarkiewicz Jacek
796735 CELLS Method for Isolation of Myxozoan Proliferative Stages from Fish at High Yield and Purity: An Essential Prerequisite for In Vitro, In Vivo and Genomics-Based Research Developments 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030377 Born-Torrijos Ana, Kosakyan Anush, Patra Sneha, Pimentel-Santos Joana, Panicucci Brian, Chan Justin Tze Ho, Korytář Tomáš, Holzer Astrid S.
796734 CELLS From Drosophila to Human: Biological Function of E3 Ligase Godzilla and Its Role in Disease 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030380 Cabana Valérie C., Lussier Marc P.
796733 CELLS Targeting the gp130/STAT3 Axis Attenuates Tumor Microenvironment Mediated Chemoresistance in Group 3 Medulloblastoma Cells 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030381 Sreenivasan Lakshana, Li Ling Vicky, Leclair Pascal, Lim Chinten James
796732 CELLS The Microbiota-Gut Axis in Premature Infants: Physio-Pathological Implications 2022-01-23 10.3390/cells11030379 Bresesti Ilia, Salvatore Silvia, Valetti Giorgia, Baj Andreina, Giaroni Cristina, Agosti Massimo
796731 CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR CARDIAC ANGIOGRAPHY & INTERVENTIONS Percutaneous decannulation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using a plug‐based closure device 2022-01-23 10.1002/ccd.30096 Dalén Magnus, Settergren Magnus, Kastengren Mikael, Ullström Pia, Fux Thomas
796730 CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR CARDIAC ANGIOGRAPHY & INTERVENTIONS Propensity matched analysis of vascular complications using integrated or expandable sheaths for TAVR 2022-01-23 10.1002/ccd.30088 Ruge Hendrik, Burri Melchior, Erlebach Magdalena, Lange Ruediger
796729 JOURNAL OF OVARIAN RESEARCH Ginseng alleviates folliculogenesis disorders via induction of cell proliferation and downregulation of apoptotic markers in nicotine-treated mice 2022-01-23 10.1186/s13048-022-00945-x Faghani Masoumeh, Saedi Sahar, Khanaki Korosh, Mohammadghasemi Fahimeh