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796948 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD A Rare Case of Granular Cell Tumor in the Right Upper Lung of an Adolescent Patient 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21558 Grove John, Meier Casey, Youssef Bahaaeldin, Costello Patrick
796947 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD The Unlikely Suspect: A Case Report of New-Onset Hyperthyroidism Due to Graves' Disease in an 89-Year-Old Gentleman and Review of Literature 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21546 Sharma Pranjali
796946 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Are YouTube Videos a Reliable Source for Obtaining Information About Colorectal Cancer Screening? 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21550 Yalkin Omer, Uzunoglu Mustafa Y, İflazoglu Nidal, Esen Ebru
796945 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Symptomatology and Relationship Between Symptoms and Duration Among COVID-19 Patients in a COVID-19 Care Hospital in Central India 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21541 Prathipati Kiran Kumar, Mishra Meena, Rathod Bharatsing, Tripathy Jaya P, B H Shrikrishna, Bidkar Vijay, Dabhekar Sandeep, Shete Vishal, G Deepa
796944 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Not Lupus Nephritis but a Rare Case of Drug-Induced Pauci-Immune Glomerulonephritis 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21549 Hang Stephanie, Dixit Priyadarshini, Fatima Sarah, Alam Dilnaz, Webster Christopher
796943 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Diabetes Adversely Influences Postoperative Outcomes After Oesophagectomy: An Analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21559 Lorenzo Aldenb, Goltsman David, Apostolou Christos, Das Amitabha, Merrett Neil
796942 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Acute Myocardial Infarction After Coronavirus Vaccine: A Rare Adverse Effect 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21544 Iqbal Sameen, Adnan Ghufran, Farhad Awais, Ahmed Intisar, Rahman Muhammad Nasir
796941 STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY The application of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and their derivative exosome in skin wound healing: a comprehensive review 2022-01-24 10.1186/s13287-021-02697-9 Bian Donghui, Wu Yan, Song Guodong, Azizi Ramyar, Zamani Amir
796940 STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY Disruption of hematopoiesis attenuates the osteogenic differentiation capacity of bone marrow stromal cells 2022-01-24 10.1186/s13287-022-02708-3 Wang Changzhen, Ning Hongmei, Gao Jiao, Xue Teng, Zhao Ming, Jiang Xiaoxia, Zhu Xiaoming, Guo Ximin, Li Hong, Wang Xiaoyan
796939 STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY Sin3a drives mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition through cooperating with Tet1 in somatic cell reprogramming 2022-01-24 10.1186/s13287-022-02707-4 Feng Jiabao, Zhu Fugui, Ye Dan, Zhang Qingquan, Guo Xudong, Du Changsheng, Kang Jiuhong