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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
796968 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Sugars, Alcohol, and Caffeine Intake From Drinks Among Outpatients With Mental Health Disorders in Greece: A Pilot Study 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21563 Apostolakopoulou Xenia A, Kontopoulou Lamprini, Karpetas Georgios E, Marakis Georgios, Vasara Eleni, Katsaras Ioannis G, Maraki Zoi, Papathanasiou Ioanna V, Bonotis Konstantinos S
796967 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Fatal Bleeding From a Common Iliac Arterio-Ureteral Fistula in an Older Patient 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21578 Ohta Ryuichi, Inoue Keita, Sano Chiaki
796966 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Open Retroperitoneal Inferior Vena Cava Cannulation for Distal Ventriculoatrial Shunt Catheter Placement 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21555 Mustroph Christian, Saberian Sepehr, Burch Katelyn, Parker Paul, Wrubel David, Sawvel Michael
796965 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD An Insight Into Flatbush Diabetes: A Rare Form of Diabetes 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21567 Shankar Malavika, Chowdhury Tutul, Gousy Nicole, Parthasarathi Ashwaghosha
796964 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD A Tale of Two Surges: Differences in Outcomes in the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Community Teaching Hospital in Massachusetts 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21547 Milla-Godoy Gabriela C, Prasongdee Klaorat, Cristancho Cagney, Poloju Alekya, Barbosa Felipe, Treadwell Thomas
796963 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Medical Cannabis Use Reduces Opioid Prescriptions in Patients With Osteoarthritis 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21564 Renslo Bryan, Greis Ari, Liu Conan S, Radakrishnan Anjithaa, Ilyas Asif M
796962 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Protective Effect of Rutin Trihydrate Against Dose-Dependent, Cisplatin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Isolated Perfused Rat’s Heart 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21572 Bukhari Ishfaq A, Mohamed Osama Y, Alhowikan Abdulrahman M, Lateef Rahmathunnisa, Hagar Hanan, Assiri Raghad A, Alqahtani Wa’ad Massoud A
796961 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD The Outcome of Trans-catheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus: A Single-Center Experience 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21577 Khan Abdul Moeed, Ullah Zia, Ilyas Saadia, Wazir Haseen Dil, Rehman Yasir, Hussain Ijaz, Sadia Haleema
796960 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Clinical Spectrum and Causes of Delayed Puberty Among Patients Presenting to the Endocrine Clinic at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21574 Zahra Fatima, Ahsan Tasnim, Lal Rehman Urooj, Jabeen Rakhshanda
796959 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Reducing the Wire Crossing Time in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty: A Study From a Tier II City in India 2022-01-24 10.7759/cureus.21539 Prakash Binayendu, Mohanta Reeta R, Lal Prem P, Shah Mandar M