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(25 Feb. 04) Mr. Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director, RCARO recognized the completion of an RCAROPost-doc fellow from Myanmar, Dr. Moe Phlu Hlang by presenting a...
(25 Feb. 04) The Philippines recently joined RCARO Advisory Committee as a new member replacing Bangladesh. Currently, the RCARO AC consists of Australia, Ch...
(23 Feb. 04) RCARO expressed appreciation to Prof. Naiyyum Choudhury, ex-Chairman ofBangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) upon his retirement. Pro...
(20 Feb 04) Need to re-design RCA Logo was elevated at 25th RCA NRM. 32nd RCA GCMrequested MSs to provide comments on newly designed RCA Logo that RCAR...
(18 Feb. 04) Mr J. K. Kim, Director, RCARO visited Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) in Seoul and met with Dr. Hai-ung Jung, Director-...