RCA Programme Cycle

RCA Programme Cycle
No | Project Number and Title | Lead Country Coordinator | PMO | TO | Project Duration | |
46 | RAS0035 Management of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | 2003-2008 | ||
45 | RAS0041 Tracing Future Sustainable Paths through Nuclear and Other Energy Options (RCA) |
Mr Man Ki Lee Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 42 868 2145 Fax. +82 42 861 7521 E-mail : mklee@kaeri.re.kr |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Ahmed Irej Jalal | 2005-2008 | |
44 | RAS0045 Formulation of Sustainable Energy Development Strategies in the Context of Climate Change (RCA) |
Mr Man Ki Lee Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 42 868 2145 Fax. +82 42 861 7521 E-mail : mklee@kaeri.re.kr |
Mr Jeong Kong Lee J.K.Lee@iaea.org |
Mr Ahmed Irej Jalal Ms Asami Miketa irej.jalal@gmail.com / asamiketa@gmail.com |
2007-2008 | |
43 | RAS0048 Management of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (RCA) |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias dias@elect.mrt.ac.lk |
2007-2008 | ||
42 | RAS4024 Radioisotope Production and Neutron Beam Applications (RCA) |
Mr Byung Jin Jun Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 42 868 8493 Fax. +82 42 868 3681 E-mail : bjjun@kaeri.re.kr |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Mr Shriniwas Krishnarao Paranjpe Mr Maroor Raghavan Ambikalmajan Pillai |
2005-2008 | |
41 | RAS4026 Adding Value to Materials through Irradiation with Neutrons (RCA) |
Mr Byung Jin Jun Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 42 868 8493 Fax. +82 42 868 3681 E-mail : bjjun@kaeri.re.kr |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Danas Ridikas D.Ridikas@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
40 | RAS5039 Restoration of Soil Fertility and Sustenance of Agricultural Productivity (RCA) |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Gerd Dercon | 2001-2008 | ||
39 | RAS5040 Enhancement of Genetic Diversity in Food, Pulses, and Oil Crops and Establishment of Mutant Germplasm Network (RCA) |
Dr S F D Souza India |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Mr Qingyao . Shu Ms Yvonne Rosaline Lokko |
2001-2008 | |
38 | RAS5043 Development of Sustainable Land Use and management Strategies for Controlling Soil Erosion and Improving Soil and Water Quality |
Mr LI Yong Inst. of Agro- Environment and Sustainable Development Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62137112 Fax. +86 10 62137112 E-mail : yongli32@hotmail.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Gerd Dercon G.Dercon@iaea.org |
2005-2010 | |
37 | RAS5044 Integrated Approach for Improving Livestock Production Utilizing Indigenous Resources and Conserving Environment |
Prof. A.S. Nanda India |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias dias@elect.mrt.ac.lk |
Mr Mario Geronimo Garcia Podesta Mr Edwin Nicholas Odongo M.Garcia-Podesta@iaea.org / E.Odongo@iaea.org |
2005-2009 | |
36 | RAS5045 Improvement of Crop Quality and Stress Tolerance for Sustainable Crop Production Using Mutation Techniques and Biotechnology |
Mr Liu Luxiang Institute of Crop Sciences Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62122719 Fax. +86 10 68975212 E-mail : luxiang@263.net.cn |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Stephan Nielen Mr Pierre Jean Laurent Lagoda S.Nielen@iaea.org / P.J.L.Lagoda@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
35 | RAS5046 Novel Applications of Food Irradiation Technology for Improving Socio-economic Development |
Ms Gao Meixu Institute for Application of Atomic Energy Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62815971 Fax. +86 10 62895356 E-mail : meixugao@21cn.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn Mr David Henry Byron C.Blackburn@iaea.org / D.H.Byron@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
34 | RAS5050 Enhancing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Treatment of Regional Products for Export by Irradiation (RCA) |
Mr Peter Leach Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Queensland Horticulture Institute P.O. Box 652, Cairns 4870, QLD Australia Tel. +61 7 73404 6999 E-mail : peter.leach@dpi.qld.gov.au |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn Mr David Henry Byron C.Blackburn@iaea.org / D.H.Byron@iaea.org |
2009-2011 | |
33 | RAS6029 Distance-assisted Training for Nuclear Medicine Technicians |
Dr Brian Hutton Institute of Nuclear Medicine University College, London Hospitals NHS Trust Australia Tel. +44 20 7380 9392 Fax. +44 20 7436 0603 E-mail : brian.hutton@uclh.nhs.uk |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Maurizio Dondi Mr Rethy Kieth Chhem mauriziodondi@yahoo.it / R.Chhem@iaea.org |
1997-2009 | |
32 | RAS6033 Distance Learning in Radiation Oncology |
Dr M. Barton Australia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias dias@elect.mrt.ac.lk |
Mr Jan Wondergem J.Wondergem@lumc.nl |
1999-2009 | |
31 | RAS6037 Quality Assurance for Treatment of Cervix Cancer by Radiotherapy |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Eduardo Rosenblatt | 2003-2009 | ||
30 | RAS6038 Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Training |
Dr John Drew Institute of Medical Physics The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Tel. +61 2 9899 5631 E-mail : john.drew@internode.on.net |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Ahmed Meghzifene A.Meghzifene@iaea.org |
2003-2016 | |
29 | RAS6040 Improvement in Quality of Radiotherapy for Frequent Cancers in the Region |
Dr Takashi Nakano Professor Department of Radiation Oncology Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine Japan Tel. +81 27 220 8380 Fax. +81 27 220 8397 E-mail : tnakano@med.gunma-u.ac.jp |
Mr Jeong Kong Lee J.K.Lee@iaea.org |
Mr Eduardo Hernan Zubizarreta Mr Ian Donald Mclean E.Zubizarreta@iaea.org / I.Mclean@iaea.org |
2005-2009 | |
28 | RAS6041 Prevention of Osteoporosis and Promotion of Bone Mass in Asian Populations using a Food-based Approach |
Dr Warren T K Lee Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Chinese University of Hong Kong Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +852 2632 3309 Fax. +852 2637 7889 E-mail : wtklee@cuhk.edu.hk |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Ms Lena Margareta Davidsson L.Davidsson@iaea.org |
2005-2010 | |
27 | RAS6042 Tumor Imaging Using Radioisotopes |
Dr Shuji Tanada Professor Radiology IUHW Mita Hospital 1-4-3 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8329 Japan Tel. +81 3 3451 8121 Fax. +81 3 3454 0067 E-mail : tanada@iuhw.ac.jp |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Maurizio Dondi mauriziodondi@yahoo.it |
2005-2008 | |
26 | RAS6048 Application of High-Precision 3D Radiotherapy for Predominant Cancers in the RCA region |
Dr Takashi Nakano Professor Department of Radiation Oncology Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine Japan Tel. +81 27 220 8380 Fax. +81 27 220 8397 E-mail : tnakano@med.gunma-u.ac.jp |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Eduardo Hernan Zubizarreta Mr Jacob Van Dyk Ms Joanna Izewska E.Zubizarreta@iaea.org / J.Van-Dyk@iaea.org / J.Izewska@iaea.org |
2007-2008 | |
25 | RAS6049 Strengthening Clinical Applications of PET in RCA Member States |
Dr Venkatesh Rangarajan PETCT, BioImaging Unit Tata Memorial Centre India Tel. +91 22 24177150 Fax. +91 22 24146937 E-mail : drvrangarajan@hotmail.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Maurizio Dondi mauriziodondi@yahoo.it |
2007-2009 | |
24 | RAS7011 Enhancing the Sustainability of the Marine Coastal Environment (RCA) |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Ms Florence Descroix Comanducci Mr Ross Anthony Jeffree |
2003-2008 | ||
23 | RAS7013 Improved Information about Urban Air Quality Management (RCA) |
Dr Andreas Markwitz Principal Scientist GNS Science National Isotope Centre New Zealand Tel. +64 4 570 4785 Fax. +64 4 570 4657 E-mail : a.markwitz@gns.cri.nz |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Ms Najat Mokhtar Mr Andrzej Antoni Markowicz Mr S.M. Ziauddin Hyder |
2003-2008 | |
22 | RAS7015 Characterization and Source Identification of Particulate Air Pollution in the Asian Region |
Dr Andreas Markwitz Principal Scientist GNS Science National Isotope Centre New Zealand Tel. +64 4 570 4785 Fax. +64 4 570 4657 E-mail : a.markwitz@gns.cri.nz |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Andrzej Antoni Markowicz markowicza426@gmail.com |
2007-2010 | |
21 | RAS7016 Establishing a Benchmark for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Nuclear Power Activities on the Marine Environment in the Asia-Pacific region |
Mr Ron Szymczak Tradewinds 205/4 Boorima Place, Cronulla, NSW 2230 Australia Tel. +61 2 9717 9221 Fax. +61 2 9717 9260 E-mail : ron.szymczak@bigpond.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Hartmut Nies H.Nies@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
20 | RAS7019 Harmonizing Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques for Marine Pollution Management at the Regional Level |
Ms Elvira Zuleta Sombrito Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, P.O. Box 213, Quezon City 1101 Philippines Tel. +63 29 201655 Fax. +63 29 201646 E-mail : ezsombrito@pnri.dost.gov.ph |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Michel Warnau Mr Ross Anthony Jeffree M.Warnau@iaea.org / ross.jeffree@uts.edu.au |
2009-2011 | |
19 | RAS8084 Isotope Use in Managing and Protecting Drinking Water |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Luis Jesus Araguas Araguas | 1999-2008 | ||
18 | RAS8094 Optimization of Materials in Industry Using Online Bulk Analysis Techniques (RCA) |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | 2003-2008 | |||
17 | RAS8095 Improving Regional capacity for Assessment, Planning, and Response to Aquatic Environmental Emergencies |
Australia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Jan Christoph Scholten | 2003-2008 | |
16 | RAS8097 Application of Isotope Techniques in Groundwater Contamination Studies in Urbanized and Industrialized Areas |
Pakistan |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Kshitij Mahadev KULKARNI | 2003-2008 | |
15 | RAS8098 Radiation Technology for Development of Advanced Materials and for Protection of Health and the Environment (RCA) |
Ms. Lucille V. Abad Philippine Nuclear Research Institute Quezon City, Philippines Philippines Fax. (+63-2) 920-1646 E-mail : lvabad@pnri.dost.gov.ph |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Ms Maria Helena de Oliveira Sampa | 2005-2008 | |
14 | RAS8099 Radiosiotope Technology for Natural Resource Exploration and Exploitation |
Malaysia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | 2005-2008 | ||
13 | RAS8100 Advanced Industrial Radiography |
Malaysia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | 2005-2008 | ||
12 | RAS8104 Assessment of Trends in Freshwater Quality Using Environmental Isotopes and Chemical Techniques for Improved Resource Management (RCA) |
Dr Manzoor Ahmed Choudhry Head Isotope Application Division (IAD) Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) Pakistan Tel. +92 51 2208038 Fax. +92 51 2207374 E-mail : manzoor@pinstech.org.pk |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal Ms Ravina Brizmohun P.Aggarwal@iaea.org / rbrizmohun@hotmail.com |
2007-2009 | |
11 | RAS8105 Development and Application of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography Techniques (RCA) |
Dr Gursharan Singh Head Isotope Applications Division (IAD) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) India Tel. +91 22 2559 3735 Fax. +91 22 2550 5151 E-mail : gsingh@apsara.barc.ernet.in |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | ||
10 | RAS8106 Radiation Processing Applications for Health and the Environment (RCA) |
Ms Lucille V. Abad Philippine Nuclear Research Institute Quezon City Philippines Fax. +63 2 920 1646 E-mail : lvabad@pnri.dost.gov.ph |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Ms Maria Helena de Oliveira Sampa M.H.De-Oliveira-Sampa@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
9 | RAS8107 Raising Productivity in the Coal Minerals and Petrochemical Industries by using Nucleonic Analysis Systems and Radiotracers (RCA) |
Dr Jacek Charbucinski
Tel. +61 7 3212 4625 Fax. +61 7 3212 4455 E-mail : jcharbucinski@hotmail.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | ||
8 | RAS8108 Assessment of Trends in Freshwater Quality Using Environmental Isotopes and Chemical Techniques for Improved Resource Management |
Mr Manzoor Ahmed Choudhry Head Isotope Application Division (IAD) Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) Pakistan Tel. +92 51 2208038 Fax. +92 51 2207374 E-mail : manzoor@pinstech.org.pk |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal Mr Manzoor Ahmad Choudhry P.Aggarwal@iaea.org / M.Choudhry@iaea.org |
2009-2011 | |
7 | RAS8109 Supporting Radiation Processing of Polymeric Materials for Agricultural Applications and Environmental Remediation |
Mr. Mohd Dahlan, Khairul Zaman HJ Division of Radiation Processing Technology Malaysian Nuclear Agency Kompleks MINT, Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Malaysia Tel. +60 3 89250510 Fax. +60 3 89202968 E-mail : khairul@nuclearmalaysia.gov.my |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Agnes Safrany Mr Sunil Sabharwal A.Safrany@iaea.org / sunsab57@gmail.com |
2009-2012 | |
6 | RAS8110 Applying Advanced Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography in Industry and Civil Engineering |
Mr Gursharan Singh Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, Maharashtra India Tel. +91 22 2559 3735 Fax. +91 22 2550 5151 E-mail : gsingh@apsara.barc.ernet. |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset P.Brisset@iaea.org |
2009-2011 | |
5 | RAS8111 Diagnosing Industrial Multiphase Systems by Process Visualization using Radiotracers and Sealed Sources |
Mr Xiang Gao Department of Isotopes China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC) P.O. Box 275-104, Beijing 102413 Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 68357881 Fax. +86 10 69358825 E-mail : gaoxiang@ciae.ac.cn |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset P.Brisset@iaea.org |
2009-2011 | |
4 | RAS9029 Harmonization of Radiation protection (IV) |
Australia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Mr Hazem Suman Ms Cynthia Lynn Heinberg Mr Khammar Mrabit |
2003-2008 | |
3 | RAS9031 Assessment of Radiological Risks |
Australia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias |
Mr Diego Miguel Telleria Mr Volodymyr Berkovskyy |
2004-2008 | |
2 | RAS9032 Radiological Emergency Response |
Australia |
Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias | Mr Peter Zombori | 2004-2008 | |
1 | RAS9042 Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure (RCA) |
Mr Kazuo Sakai National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8555 Japan Tel. +81 43 2066290 Fax. +81 43 2064134 E-mail : kazsakai@nirs.go.jp |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Ms Virginia Koukouliou Mr Haridasan Pappinisseri Puthanveedu V.Koukouliou@iaea.org / H.Pappinisseri-Puthanveedu@iaea.org |
2007-2010 |