RCA Programme Cycle

RCA Programme Cycle
No | Project Number and Title | Lead Country Coordinator | PMO | TO | Project Duration | |
24 | RAS1012 Characterizing and Optimizing Process Dynamics in Complex Industrial Systems Using Radiotracer and Sealed Source Techniques |
Mr Iqbal Hussain Khan Deputy Chief Engineer, Head Industrial Division of Isotope Application PINSTECH Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission(PAEC) Lehtrar Road P.O. Box 1482, Nilore ISLAMABAD 45650 Pakistan Tel. +92 51 2208031 Fax. +92 51 9248808 |
Mr Ho Seung Lee H.Lee@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset P.Brisset@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
23 | RAS1013 Supporting Advanced Non-Destructive Examination for Enhanced Industrial Safety, Product Quality and Productivity |
Dr Gursharan Singh Head Isotope Applications Division (IAD) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Centre (BARC) Trombay MUMBAI, Maharashtra 400 085 India Tel. +91 22 2559 3735 Fax. +91 22 2550 5151 E-mail : gsingh@barc.gov.in |
Mr Ho Seung Lee H.Lee@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset P.Brisset@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
22 | RAS1014 Supporting Radiation Processing for the Development of Advanced Grafted Materials for Industrial Applications and Environmental Preservation |
Mr Kamarudin Bin Hashim Division of Radiation Processing Technology Malaysian Nuclear Agency 43000 Kajang, Selangor Malaysia Tel. +60 3 89282912 Fax. +60 3 89202968 E-mail : kbhashim@nuclearmalaysia.gov.my |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Sunil Sabharwal sunsab57@gmail.com |
2012-2016 | |
21 | RAS5045 Improvement of Crop Quality and Stress Tolerance for Sustainable Crop Production Using Mutation Techniques and Biotechnology |
Mr Liu Luxiang Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62122719 Fax. +86 10 68975212 E-mail : luxiang@263.net.cn |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Stephan Nielen Mr Pierre Jean Laurent Lagoda S.Nielen@iaea.org / P.J.L.Lagoda@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
20 | RAS5046 Novel Applications of Food Irradiation Technology for Improving Socio-economic Development |
Ms Gao Meixu Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Atomic Energy CAAS Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62815971 Fax. +86 10 62895356 E-mail : meixugao@21cn.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn Mr David Henry Byron C.Blackburn@iaea.org / D.H.Byron@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
19 | RAS5055 Improving Soil Fertility, Land Productivity and Land Degradation Mitigation |
Dr Frank Bruhn Managing Director Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) New Illawarra Road Australia Tel. + 61 02 9717 3388 Fax. +61 02 9717 9268 E-mail : frankb@ainse.edu.au |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Gerd Dercon G.Dercon@iaea.org |
2012-2016 | |
18 | RAS5056 Supporting Mutation Breeding Approaches to Develop New Crop Varieties Adaptable to Climate Change |
Mr Liu Luxiang Institute of Crop Sciences Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 12, Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing, 100081 Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62122719 Fax. +86 10 68975212 E-mail : luxiang@263.net.cn |
Mr Ho Seung Lee H.Lee@iaea.org |
Mr Stephan Nielen Mr Pierre Jean Laurent Lagoda Mr Karuppan Sakadevan .Nielen@iaea.org / P.J.L.Lagoda@iaea.org / K.Sakadevan@iaea.org |
2012-2016 | |
17 | RAS5057 Implementing Best Practices of Food Irradiation for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Purposes |
Ms Gao Meixu Institute for Application of Atomic Energy Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2, Yuanmingyuan West Road, P.O. Box 5109, Beijing, 100094 Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62815961 Fax. +86 10 62895356 E-mail : meixugao@21cn.com |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn Mr David Henry Byron C.Blackburn@iaea.org / D.H.Byron@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
16 | RAS6038 Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Training |
Dr John Drew Institute of Medical Physics The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Tel. +61 2 9899 5631 E-mail : john.drew@internode.on.net |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Ahmed Meghzifene A.Meghzifene@iaea.org |
2003-2016 | |
15 | RAS6049 Strengthening Clinical Applications of PET in RCA Member States |
Dr Venkatesh Rangarajan PETCT, BioImaging Unit Tata Memorial Centre India Tel. +91 22 24177150 Fax. +91 22 24146937 E-mail : drvrangarajan@hotmail.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Maurizio Dondi mauriziodondi@yahoo.it |
2007-2009 | |
14 | RAS6053 Improving Image Based Radiation Therapy for Common Cancers in the RCA Region |
Mr Takashi Nakano Professor Department of Radiation Oncology Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine 3-39-22 Shouwa-machi Japan Tel. +81 27 220 8380 Fax. +81 27 220 8397 E-mail : tnakano@med.gunma-u.ac.jp |
Mr Massoud Malek M.Malek@iaea.org |
Mr Ahmed Meghzifene A.Meghzifene@iaea.org |
2009-2013 | |
13 | RAS6061 Improving Cancer Management with Hybrid Nuclear Medicine Imaging |
Dr Venkatesh Rangarajan Head Nuclear Medicine Tata Memorial Hospital Parel, Mumbai-400 012 India Tel. +91 22 24177143 Fax. +91 22 24146937 E-mail : drvrangarajan@hotmail.com |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Ravi Kashyap Mr Maurizio Dondi Mr Tarik Becic Ms Diana Isabel Paez Gutierrez R.Kashyap@iaea.org / M.Dondi@iaea.org / T.Becic@iaea.org / D.Paez@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
12 | RAS6062 Supporting 3D Image-Guided Brachytherapy Services |
Mr Shingo Kato Department of Radiation Oncology International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University 1397-1, Yamane, Hidaka, Saitama Japan Tel. +81 42 9844531 Fax. +81 42 9844741 E-mail : s_kato@saitama-med.ac.jp |
Mr Massoud Malek M.Malek@iaea.org |
Ms Elena Fidarova Mr Brendan James Healy E.Fidarova@iaea.org / B.Healy@iaea.org |
2012-2015 | |
11 | RAS6063 Strengthening the Application of Nuclear Medicine in the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases |
Mr Orestes P. Monzon Nuclear Medicine Department Philippine Heart Center East Avenue, 1100 QUEZON CITY Philippines Tel. +63 2 9252401 Fax. +63 2 9510159 E-mail : voices4life@gmail.com |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Thomas Neil Pascual T.Pascual@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
10 | RAS6064 Building Capacity with Distance Assisted Training for Nuclear Medicine Professionals |
Ms Heather Elizabeth Patterson Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific University of Sydney SYDNEY, NSW 2006, Manning Road, Old Teachers College, Room 205 Australia Tel. +61 2 90365148 Fax. + 61 2 93518562 E-mail : heather.patterson@sydney.edu.au |
Mr Gashaw Gebeyehu Gebeyehu Wolde G.G.Wolde@iaea.org |
Mr Ravi Kashyap R.Kashyap@iaea.org |
2012-2013 | |
9 | RAS6065 Strengthening the Application of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy to Improve Cancer Treatment |
Mr Chul-Koo Cho Director General Division of Medical Services Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) 215-4 Gong Neung Dong, Nowon-Ku, SEOUL Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 2 970 2007 Fax. +82 2 9701360 E-mail : chcho@kirams.re.kr |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Mr Brendan James Healy R.R.Prasad@iaea.org / B.Healy@iaea.org |
2012-2015 | |
8 | RAS6066 Reducing the Shortage of Oncology Professionals through an Applied Sciences of Oncology Course (ASOC) |
Mr Michael Barton Liverpool Hospital Elizabeth Street, SYDNEY, NSW 2170 Australia Tel. +61 2 98286541 Fax. +61 2 98286670 E-mail : Michael.Barton@sswahs.nsw.gov.au |
Mr Gashaw Gebeyehu Gebeyehu Wolde G.G.Wolde@iaea.org |
Mr Oleg Belyakov O.Belyakov@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
7 | RAS7015 Characterization and Source Identification of Particulate Air Pollution in the Asian Region |
Mr Andreas Markwitz Principal Scientist GNS Science National Isotope Centre New Zealand Tel. +64 4 570 4785 Fax. +64 4 570 4657 E-mail : a.markwitz@gns.cri.nz |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Andrzej Antoni Markowicz markowicza426@gmail.com |
2007-2010 | |
6 | RAS7016 Establishing a Benchmark for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Nuclear Power Activities on the Marine Environment in the Asia-Pacific region |
Mr Ron Szymczak Tradewind 205/4 Boorima Place, Cronulla, NSW 2230 Australia Tel. +61 2 9717 9221 Fax. +61 2 9717 9260 E-mail : ron.szymczak@bigpond.com |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Mr Hartmut Nies H.Nies@iaea.org |
2007-2010 | |
5 | RAS7021 Marine benchmark study on the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific Region |
Mr Ron Szymczak Tradewind 205/4 Boorima Place, Cronulla, NSW 2230 Australia Tel. +61 405 630 425 E-mail : ron.szymczak@bigpond.com |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Iolanda Osvath Mr Arend Victor Harms I.Osvath@iaea.org / A.V.Harms@iaea.org |
2011-2015 | |
4 | RAS7022 Applying Isotope Techniques to Investigate Groundwater Dynamics and Recharge Rate for Sustainable Groundwater Resource Management |
Mr Muhammad Azam Tasneem Head PINSTECH P.O. Nilore, Islamabad Pakistan Tel. +92 51 2208038 Fax. +92 51 9248808 E-mail : azamtasneem@pinstech.org.pk |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Manzoor Ahmad Choudhry M.Choudhry@iaea.org |
2012-2015 | |
3 | RAS7023 Supporting Sustainable Air Pollution Monitoring Using Nuclear Analytical Technology |
Dr Andreas Markwitz Principal Scientist National Isotope Centre, GNS Science 30 Gracefield Road, P.O. Box 31-312, LOWER HUTT 5040 New Zealand Tel. +64 4 570 4785 Fax. +64 4 570 4657 E-mail : a.markwitz@gns.ri.nz |
Mr Gashaw Gebeyehu Gebeyehu Wolde G.G.Wolde@iaea.org |
Mr Andreas Germanos Karydas A.G.Karydas@iaea.org |
2012-2015 | |
2 | RAS7024 Supporting Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques to Assess Climate Change for Sustainable Marine Ecosystem Management |
Ms Adelina Dela Mines-Bulos Philipine Nuclear Research Institute Quezon City, Philippines Philippines Tel. +632 929 6011 E-mail : ambulos@pnri.dost.gov.ph |
Mr Massoud Malek M.Malek@iaea.org |
Mr Marc Hector Trajan Metian M.Metian@iaea.org |
2012-2014 | |
1 | RAS9042 Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure (RCA) |
Mr Kazuo Sakai National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-Ku Chiba Japan Tel. +81 43 2066290 |
Mr Kesrat Sukasam K.Sukasam@iaea.org |
Ms Virginia Koukouliou Mr Haridasan Pappinisseri Puthanveedu V.Koukouliou@iaea.org / H.Pappinisseri-Puthanveedu@iaea.org |
2007-2010 |