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RCA News
(RAS7021) IAEA/RCA 2nd Annual Project Review Meeting,12-16 August 2013, Koror, Palau






Dear National RCA Representatives and NPCs of Non-RCA Member States,


Please find herewith copy of the Information Sheet and the covering letter addressed to the National RCA Representatives and the National Project Coordinators of Non-RCA Member States, inviting national nominations for the above meeting. This letter will also be sent by Fax and copied to the Permanent Missions. 


I would be grateful to you to take action to submit the nomination of the National Project Coordinator or a person suitable to attend this event on or before 24 May 2013. Following the discussions and decision of the 35th RCA National Representative Meeting (NRM), the event is also published in the In-Touch. It is thus possible to submit the nominations through the In-Touch platform.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Best regards,



Kesrat Sukasam

RCA Focal Person

Division for Asia and the Pacific

IAEA, Vienna

Tel:  43 1 2600 22396

Fax: 43 1 26007