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IAEA/RCA Project Planning Meeting on Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure (RAS/9/042) was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in cooperatio...
Dr. W. Abeyewickreme (Phd), Senior Lecturer, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, has assumed duties as the Chairman of A...
RCARO recently published leaflets of RCA Success Stories to increase awareness about remarkably successful IAEA/RCA projects in the past several years. Targ...
Mr Jae-Yong Hur, Director, Atomic Energy Cooperation Division, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Korean government, has been recently assumed the ro...
On 12 April 2007, the Government of Malaysia has notified that the renaming of the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) was officially ...
Professor Dr Soedyartomo Seontono (affectionately known as Tommy), former Chairman of BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia),unexpectedly passe...