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Mr Kun-Mo Choi, who has served as the Director of RCA Regional Office, since 2005, is leaving the RCARO as of the 3rd of April 2009 to get back to the Mini...
National Project Coordinators of the RAS/5/045 expressed a keen desire, at the Project Planning Meeting which was held in Kuala Lumpur 25-29th June 2007, for...
The combined meeting, held 16-20 March 2009 in Daejeon, ROK, was to wrap up the RCA project RAS/8/106 on “Radiation Processing Applications for Healt...
At the invitation of FNCA, the Director of RCARO participated in the 10th FNCA Coordinators Meeting which was held on 11-13 March 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. He ma...
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on the use of Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Application for Economically Important Fruits will be held in cooperation wit...
Replacement of three National RCA Representatives It has recently been informed that three National RCA Representatives are replaced as shown below: - J...