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Meeting Report and Annexesof the 35stNRM are available on the RCA Website. Please log in to accessthe files; http://www.rcaro.org/nrm/vie...
Mr. Suphan Seangthong has become the National RCA Representative of Thailand after being recently appointed to the position of the Secretary Gene...
Dear National RCA Representatives and NPCs of Non-RCA Member States, Please find herewith copy of the Information Sheet and the covering letter ad...
Mr.KIM Dae-Ki has become the National RCA Representative of ROK after being recently appointed to the position of the Director of Space &...
Dear National RCA Representatives, Please find herewith copies of the Prospectus and the covering letter faxed to the National RCA Representatives...
RCA was awarded for Best Practices in three areas from the IAEA The IAEA’s Department of Technical Cooperation&rsquo...