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IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Serological Techniques for FMD Diagnosis and Control in Pakchong, Thailand in 11-22 October 2004. The purpose of the co...
Twenty-two of the last 31 nuclear power plants (NPPs) connected to the world's energy grid have been built in Asia, driven by the pressures of economic grow...
Dr. S. Banerjee, a well-known researcher in physical metallurgy and materials science recently affiliated as the Director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Cent...
Easy and quick access to IAEA’s nuclear-related information is now also practically available through INIS2 (www.inis2.com) site that was recently ope...
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on “Industrial Process Gamma Tomography” will be held in KAERI, Daejeon, Korea in 11-15 October 2004. The purp...
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on “Management of Liver Cancer Using Trans-arterial Radio-conjugate Therapy” will be held in Islamabad, Pakist...