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The 12th Meeting of the WG on RCA MTSC 20-22 March 2023, held virtually The 12th Meeting of the Working Group on the RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS) 2...
Ms Natascha Spark, Senior Manager, International Affairs, Chief Operating Group Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), has b...
Mid-term Review Meeting under IAEA/RCA RAS9092 "Strengthening the Capacity to Respond to Radiological Emergencies of Category II and III Facilities in ...
International Symposium Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the RCA Regional Office 15 December 2022, Daejeon, Korea Marking the 20th Anniversary...
Mr Alan Brindell, Director, Corporate Affairs, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), has become the National RCA Representa...
The 3rd issue of the RCA Newsletter is now available on the RCA website (https://rcaro.org/newsletter). This issue contains the sketches of th...