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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
798478 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Role of Somatostatin Signalling in Neuroendocrine Tumours 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031447 Rogoza Olesja, Megnis Kaspars, Kudrjavceva Marija, Gerina-Berzina Aija, Rovite Vita
798477 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Synthesis Mechanisms, Structural Models, and Photothermal Therapy Applications of Top-Down Carbon Dots from Carbon Powder, Graphite, Graphene, and Carbon Nanotubes 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031456 Shi Wenquan, Han Qiurui, Wu Jiajia, Ji Chunyu, Zhou Yiqun, Li Shanghao, Gao Lipeng, Leblanc Roger M., Peng Zhili
798476 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Temperature Dependence of Interfacial Bonding and Configuration Transition in Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Containing Grain Boundaries and Functional Groups 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031433 Fan Lei, Yao Wenjuan
798475 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES A Central Role for TRPM4 in Ca2+-Signal Amplification and Vasoconstriction 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031465 Csípő Tamás, Czikora Ágnes, Fülöp Gábor Á., Gulyás Hajnalka, Rutkai Ibolya, Tóth Enikő Pásztorné, Pórszász Róbert, Szalai Andrea, Bölcskei Kata, Helyes Zsuzsanna, Pintér Erika, Papp Zoltán, Ungvári Zoltán, Tóth Attila
798474 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES The Importance of Small Extracellular Vesicles in the Cerebral Metastatic Process 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031449 Tămaș Flaviu, Bălașa Rodica, Manu Doina, Gyorki Gabriel, Chinezu Rareș, Tămaș Corina, Bălașa Adrian
798473 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 4-Acetylantroquinonol B Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth and Angiogenesis via a VEGF/PI3K/ERK/mTOR-Dependent Signaling Pathway in Subcutaneous Xenograft and In Vivo Angiogenesis Models 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031446 Huang Tur-Fu, Wang Shih-Wei, Lai Yu-Wei, Liu Shih-Chia, Chen Yu-Jen, Hsueh Thomas Y., Lin Chih-Chung, Lin Chun-Hsuan, Chung Ching-Hu
798472 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES An Innovative Customized Biomimetic Hydrogel for Drug Screening Application Potential: Biocompatibility and Cell Invasion Ability 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031488 Ou Keng-Liang, Huang Chiung-Fang, Lan Wen-Chien, Huang Bai-Hung, Pan Hsu-An, Shen Yung-Kang, Saito Takashi, Tsai Hsin-Yu, Cho Yung-Chieh, Hung Kuo-Sheng, Chou Hsin-Hua
798471 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Neutrophil Death in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Shedding More Light on Neutrophils as a Pathogenic Link to Chronic Inflammation 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031490 Marković Dragana, Maslovarić Irina, Djikić Dragoslava, Čokić Vladan P.
798470 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Bioactive Peptides: Synthesis, Sources, Applications, and Proposed Mechanisms of Action 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031445 Akbarian Mohsen, Khani Ali, Eghbalpour Sara, Uversky Vladimir N.
798469 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Nanoplastics Increase Fish Susceptibility to Nodavirus Infection and Reduce Antiviral Immune Responses 2022-01-27 10.3390/ijms23031483 González-Fernández Carmen, Cuesta Alberto