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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
799228 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Deep learning analysis of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography to determine histoprognostic factors of malignant breast tumours 2022-01-29 10.1007/s00330-022-08538-4 Dominique Caroline, Callonnec Françoise, Berghian Anca, Defta Diana, Vera Pierre, Modzelewski Romain, Decazes Pierre
799227 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Multiparametric bone MRI can improve CT-guided bone biopsy target selection in cancer patients and increase diagnostic yield and feasibility of next-generation tumour sequencing 2022-01-29 10.1007/s00330-022-08536-6 Donners Ricardo, Figueiredo Ines, Tunariu Nina, Blackledge Matthew, Koh Dow-Mu, de la Maza Maria de los Dolores Fenor, Chandran Khobe, de Bono Johann S., Fotiadis Nicos
799226 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Dynamic 3D radiomics analysis using artificial intelligence to assess the stage of COVID-19 on CT images 2022-01-29 10.1007/s00330-021-08533-1 Cai Shengping, Chen Yang, Zhao Shixuan, He Dehuai, Li Yongjie, Xiong Nian, Li Zhidan, Hu Shaoping
799225 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Multi-institutional analysis of outcomes for thermosphere microwave ablation treatment of colorectal liver metastases: the SMAC study 2022-01-29 10.1007/s00330-021-08497-2 De Cobelli Francesco, Calandri Marco, Della Corte Angelo, Sirovich Roberta, Gazzera Carlo, Della Vigna Paolo, Bonomo Guido, Varano Gianluca Maria, Maiettini Daniele, Mauri Giovanni, Camisassi Nicola, Steidler Stephanie, Ratti Francesca, Gusmini Simone, Ronzoni Monica, Aldrighetti Luca, Odisio Bruno C., Racca Patrizia, Fonio Paolo, Veltri Andrea, Orsi Franco
799224 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Computed tomography angiography in blunt cerebrovascular injury: navigating through perspectives and diagnostics 2022-01-29 10.1007/s00330-021-08534-0 Matteucci Andrea, Sangiorgi Giuseppe, Giordano Carolina, Biondi-Zoccai Giuseppe
799223 MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH : MMR FGF2 is overexpressed in asthma and promotes airway inflammation through the FGFR/MAPK/NF-κB pathway in airway epithelial cells 2022-01-29 10.1186/s40779-022-00366-3 Tan Yuan-Yang, Zhou Hui-Qin, Lin Yu-Jing, Yi Liu-Tong, Chen Zhuang-Gui, Cao Qing-Dong, Guo Yan-Rong, Wang Zhao-Ni, Chen Shou-Deng, Li Yang, Wang De-Yun, Qiao Yong-Kang, Yan Yan
799222 SENSORS Integrating the HFACS Framework and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping for In-Flight Startle Causality Analysis 2022-01-29 10.3390/s22031068 Yusuf Abiodun Brimmo, Kor Ah-Lian, Tawfik Hissam
799221 SENSORS A Dynamic Algorithm for Interference Management in D2D-Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Modeling and Analysis 2022-01-29 10.3390/s22031063 Kamruzzaman Md, Sarkar Nurul I., Gutierrez Jairo
799220 SENSORS DoSGuard: Mitigating Denial-of-Service Attacks in Software-Defined Networks 2022-01-29 10.3390/s22031061 Li Jishuai, Tu Tengfei, Li Yongsheng, Qin Sujuan, Shi Yijie, Wen Qiaoyan
799219 SENSORS Tuning of Magnetoimpedance Effect and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Rich Glass-Coated Microwires by Joule Heating 2022-01-29 10.3390/s22031053 Gonzalez Alvaro, Zhukova Valentina, Corte-Leon Paula, Chizhik Alexandr, Ipatov Mihail, Blanco Juan Maria, Zhukov Arcady