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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
799958 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY The effect of UV-C irradiation and EDTA on the uptake of Co2+ by antimony oxide in the presence and absence of competing cations Ca2+ and Ni2+ 2022-02-01 Leena Malinen, Eveliina Repo, Risto Harjula, Nina Huittinen
799957 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Sensitivity Simulation on Isotopic Fissile Measurement Using Neutron Resonances 2022-02-01 이용덕, 안성규, 최우석
799956 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY A comprehensive study of the effects of long-term thermal aging on the fracture resistance of cast austenitic stainless steels 2022-02-01 David A. Collins, Emily L. Carter, Timothy G. Lach, Thak Sang Byun
799955 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Development of Neutron Time-of-Flight Measurement System for 1.7-MV Tandem Proton Accelerator with Lithium Target 2022-02-01 임수빈, 김동환, 강진구, 당정증, 이필수, 김기현, 정경재, 황용석
799954 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Investigation of neural network-based cathode potential monitoring to support nuclear safeguards of electrorefining in pyroprocessing 2022-02-01 정영은, 안성규, 임만성
799953 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Interaction between UN and CdCl2 in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic. II. Experiment at 1023 K 2022-02-01 Alexander Zhitkov, Alexei Potapov, Kirill Karimov, Anna Kholkina, Vladimir Shishkin, Alexander Dedyukhin, Yury Zaykov
799952 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Evaluation of dose received by workers while repairing a failed spent resin mixture treatment device 2022-02-01 최우년, 변재훈, 김희령
799951 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Efficient Elastic Stress Analysis Method For Piping System with Wall-Thinning and Reinforcement 2022-02-01 김지수, 장제훈, 김윤재
799950 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Experimental Investigation on the Degradation of SiGe LNAs Under Different Bias Conditions Induced by 3MeV Proton Irradiation 2022-02-01 Zhuoqi Li, Shuhuan Liu, Xiaotang Ren, Mathew Adefusika Adekoya, Jun Zhang, Shuangying Liu
799949 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY Numerical optimization of transmission bremsstrahlung target for intense pulsed electron beam 2022-02-01 Xiao Yu, Jie Shen, Shijian Zhang, Jie Zhang, Nan Zhang, Ivan Sergeevich Egorov, Sha Yan, Chang Tan, Gennady Efimovich Remnev, Xiaoyun Le