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800328 BMJ OPEN Readiness of healthcare providers for e-hospitals: a cross-sectional analysis in China before the COVID-19 period 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054169 Li Peiyi, Luo Yunmei, Yu Xuexin, Mason Elizabeth, Zeng Zhi, Wen Jin, Li Weimin, Jalali Mohammad S
800327 BMJ OPEN Low health literacy and multiple medications in community-dwelling older adults: a population-based cohort study 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055117 Shebehe Jacques, Montgomery Scott, Hansson Anders, Hiyoshi Ayako
800326 BMJ OPEN Endorsement of the TRIPOD statement and the reporting of studies developing contrast-induced nephropathy prediction models for the coronary angiography/percutaneous coronary intervention population: a cross-sectional study 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052568 Miao Simeng, Pan Chen, Li Dandan, Shen Su, Wen Aiping
800325 BMJ OPEN Lactogenic hormones in relation to maternal metabolic health in pregnancy and postpartum: protocol for a systematic review 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055257 Rassie Kate Louise, Giri Rinky, Melder Angela, Joham Anju, Mousa Aya, Teede Helena J
800324 BMJ OPEN How and why do women’s groups (WGs) improve the quality of maternal and child health (MCH) care? A systematic review of the literature 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055756 Canuto Karla, Preston Robyn, Rannard Sam, Felton-Busch Catrina, Geia Lynore, Yeomans Lee, Turner Nalita, Thompson Quitaysha, Carlisle Karen, Evans Rebecca, Passey Megan, Larkins Sarah, Redman-MacLaren Michelle, Farmer Jane, Muscat Melody, Taylor Judy
800323 BMJ OPEN Randomised controlled trial of a web-based low carbohydrate diet intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes: the T2Diet study protocol 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054594 Dening Jedha, George Elena S, Ball Kylie, Mohebbi Mohammadreza, Shariful Islam Sheikh Mohammed
800322 BMJ OPEN Potential of four definitions of metabolic syndrome to discriminate individuals with different 10-year cardiovascular disease risk scores: a cross-sectional analysis of an Iranian cohort 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058333 Zibaeenezhad Mohammad Javad, Sayadi Mehrab, Karimi-Akhormeh Ali, Ardekani Ali, Parsa Nader, Razeghian-Jahromi Iman
800321 BMJ OPEN Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to improve interpersonal skills of physicians in medical consultations (EPECREM): protocol for a randomised controlled trial 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051600 Bellier Alexandre, Labarère José, Putkaradze Zaza, Cavalie Guillaume, Carras Sylvain, Pelen Félix, Paris Adeline, Chaffanjon Philippe
800320 BMJ OPEN Investigating the efficacy and safety of elobixibat, an ileal bile acid transporter inhibitor, in patients with Parkinson’s disease with chronic constipation: a multicentre, placebo-controlled, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group stud (CONST-PD) 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054129 Hatano Taku, Oyama Genko, Shimo Yasushi, Ogaki Kotaro, Nishikawa Noriko, Fukae Jiro, Nakamura Ryota, Kurita Naohide, Tsunemi Taiji, Oji Yutaka, Saiki Shinji, Nishioka Kenya, Takeshige-Amano Haruka, Taniguchi Daisuke, Ogawa Takashi, Kamo Hikaru, Eguchi Hiroto, Fuse Atsuhito, Nakajima Asuka, Kano Masayoshi, Nakajima Sho, Yanagisawa Naotake, Hattori Nobutaka
800319 BMJ OPEN Assessment of global coagulation function under treatment with emicizumab concomitantly with bypassing agents in haemophilia A with inhibitor (UNEBI Study): multicentre open-label non-randomised clinical trial 2022-02-01 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056922 Ogiwara Kenichi, Taki Masashi, Suzuki Takashi, Takedani Hideyuki, Matsushita Tadashi, Amano Kagehiro, Matsumoto Masanori, Nishio Kenji, Shima Midori, Kasahara Masato, Nogami Keiji