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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
794198 BMC CANCER THUNDER 2: THeragnostic Utilities for Neoplastic DisEases of the Rectum by MRI guided radiotherapy 2022-01-15 10.1186/s12885-021-09158-9 Chiloiro Giuditta, Cusumano Davide, Boldrini Luca, Romano Angela, Placidi Lorenzo, Nardini Matteo, Meldolesi Elisa, Barbaro Brunella, Coco Claudio, Crucitti Antonio, Persiani Roberto, Petruzziello Lucio, Ricci Riccardo, Salvatore Lisa, Sofo Luigi, Alfieri Sergio, Manfredi Riccardo, Valentini Vincenzo, Gambacorta Maria Antonietta
794197 BMC CANCER Health-related quality of life in women with breast cancer: a review of measures 2022-01-15 10.1186/s12885-021-09157-w Salas Maribel, Mordin Margaret, Castro Colleen, Islam Zahidul, Tu Nora, Hackshaw Michelle D.
794196 RADIATION ONCOLOGY MR-guided SBRT boost for patients with locally advanced or recurrent gynecological cancers ineligible for brachytherapy: feasibility and early clinical experience 2022-01-15 10.1186/s13014-022-01981-z Hadi Indrawati, Eze Chukwuka, Schönecker Stephan, von Bestenbostel Rieke, Rogowski Paul, Nierer Lukas, Bodensohn Raphael, Reiner Michael, Landry Guillaume, Belka Claus, Niyazi Maximilian, Corradini Stefanie
794195 RADIATION ONCOLOGY Predicting factors of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis induced by durvalumab following concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer 2022-01-15 10.1186/s13014-021-01979-z Mayahara Hiroshi, Uehara Kazuyuki, Harada Aya, Kitatani Keiji, Yabuuchi Tomonori, Miyazaki Shuichirou, Ishihara Takeaki, Kawaguchi Hiroki, Kubota Hikaru, Okada Hideaki, Ninomaru Taira, Shindo Chihiro, Hata Akito
794194 MICROORGANISMS Comparative Genomics of Typical and Atypical Aeromonas salmonicida Complete Genomes Revealed New Insights into Pathogenesis Evolution 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010189 Vasquez Ignacio, Hossain Ahmed, Gnanagobal Hajarooba, Valderrama Katherinne, Campbell Briony, Ness Michael, Charette Steve J., Gamperl Anthony K., Cipriano Rocco, Segovia Cristopher, Santander Javier
794193 MICROORGANISMS Antiviral Property of the Fungal Metabolite 3-O-Methylfunicone in Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Infection 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010188 Fiorito Filomena, Cerracchio Claudia, Salvatore Maria Michela, Serra Francesco, Pucciarelli Alessia, Amoroso Maria Grazia, Nicoletti Rosario, Andolfi Anna
794192 MICROORGANISMS Bridging the Gap: Type III Secretion Systems in Plant-Beneficial Bacteria 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010187 Zboralski Antoine, Biessy Adrien, Filion Martin
794191 MICROORGANISMS Spatiotemporal Changes in Plasmodium vivax msp142 Haplotypes in Southern Mexico: From the Control to the Pre-Elimination Phase 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010186 Flores-Alanis Alejandro, González-Cerón Lilia, Santillán-Valenzuela Frida, Ximenez Cecilia, Sandoval-Bautista Marco A., Cerritos Rene
794190 MICROORGANISMS Targeting of Regulators as a Promising Approach in the Search for Novel Antimicrobial Agents 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010185 Roncarati Davide, Scarlato Vincenzo, Vannini Andrea
794189 MICROORGANISMS Biosynthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Terpolymer from Methanol via the Reverse β-Oxidation Pathway in the Presence of Lanthanide 2022-01-15 10.3390/microorganisms10010184 Orita Izumi, Unno Gento, Kato Risa, Fukui Toshiaki