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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
794368 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Comparison of chest CT severity scoring systems for COVID-19 2022-01-15 10.1007/s00330-021-08432-5 Elmokadem Ali H., Mounir Ahmad M., Ramadan Zainab A., Elsedeiq Mahmoud, Saleh Gehad A.
794367 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Editorial comment: Prognostic value of diffusion-weighted imaging in patients with newly diagnosed sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 2022-01-15 10.1007/s00330-021-08496-3 Jang Jinhee
794366 SENSORS A Study on the Correlation between Change in the Geometrical Dimension of a Free-Falling Molten Glass Gob and Its Viscosity 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020661 Hussain Mazhar, O’Nils Mattias, Lundgren Jan, Shallari Irida
794365 SENSORS A Method for Cheating Indication in Unproctored On-Line Exams 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020654 Komosny Dan, Rehman Saeed Ur
794364 SENSORS A Mass-Producible Washable Smart Garment with Embedded Textile EMG Electrodes for Control of Myoelectric Prostheses: A Pilot Study 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020666 Alizadeh-Meghrazi Milad, Sidhu Gurjant, Jain Saransh, Stone Michael, Eskandarian Ladan, Toossi Amirali, Popovic Milos R.
794363 SENSORS Analysis of Web-Based IoT through Heterogeneous Networks: Swarm Computing over LoRaWAN 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020664 Afzal Samira, De Biase Laisa C. C., Fedrecheski Geovane, Pereira William T., Zuffo Marcelo K.
794362 SENSORS Dynamic Selection Techniques for Detecting GPS Spoofing Attacks on UAVs 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020662 Khoei Tala Talaei, Ismail Shereen, Kaabouch Naima
794361 SENSORS Evaluation of an Active LF Tracking System and Data Processing Methods for Livestock Precision Farming in the Poultry Sector 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020659 Montalcini Camille Marie, Voelkl Bernhard, Gómez Yamenah, Gantner Michael, Toscano Michael J.
794360 SENSORS An Ultra-Fast TSP on a CNT Heating Layer for Unsteady Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements in Subsonic Flows 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020657 Bitter Martin, Hilfer Michael, Schubert Tobias, Klein Christian, Niehuis Reinhard
794359 SENSORS Wireless Local Area Network Technologies as Communication Solutions for Unmanned Surface Vehicles 2022-01-15 10.3390/s22020655 Stateczny Andrzej, Gierlowski Krzysztof, Hoeft Michal