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794448 MATERIALS Metasurfaces for Far-Field Radiation Pattern Correction of Antennas under Dielectric Seamed-Radomes 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020665 Cacocciola Riccardo, Ratni Badreddine, Mielec Nicolas, Mimoun Emmanuel, Burokur Shah Nawaz
794447 MATERIALS Analytical Determination of the Bending Stiffness of a Five-Layer Corrugated Cardboard with Imperfections 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020663 Garbowski Tomasz, Knitter-Piątkowska Anna
794446 MATERIALS Physicomechanical and Antimicrobial Characteristics of Cement Composites with Selected Nano-Sized Oxides and Binary Oxide Systems 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020661 Jędrzejczak Patryk, Ławniczak Łukasz, Ślosarczyk Agnieszka, Klapiszewski Łukasz
794445 MATERIALS Production and Evaluation of Synthetic Lightweight Aggregates Based on Mixture of Fluidized Bed Fly Ash and Post-Mining Residues 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020660 Skotniczny Grzegorz, Kozioł Mateusz, Korol Jerzy, Poneta Paweł
794444 MATERIALS The Effect of Reinforcement Preheating Temperatures on Tribological Behavior of Advanced Quranic Metal-Matrix Composites (QMMC) 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020659 Althahban Sultan, Jazaa Yosef, Bafakeeh Omar, Alomari Abdullah S., Sallam Hossam El-Din M., Atta Mahmoud
794443 MATERIALS Chemical and Structural Analysis of Newly Prepared Co-W-Al Alloy by Aluminothermic Reaction 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020658 Michna Štefan, Knaislová Anna, Hren Iryna, Novotný Jan, Michnová Lenka, Svobodová Jaroslava
794442 MATERIALS Structure and Crystallization of High-Calcium, CMAS Glass Ceramics Synthesized with a High Content of Slag 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020657 Chen Lishun, Long Yuting, Zhou Mingkai, Wang Huaide
794441 MATERIALS Recovery of Tantalum and Manganese from Epoxy-Coated Solid Electrolyte Tantalum Capacitors through Selective Leaching and Chlorination Processes 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020656 Chen Wei-Sheng, Hsiao Chih-Yuan, Lee Cheng-Han
794440 MATERIALS The Application of Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate in Implant Dentistry: A Systematic Evaluation of Clinical Studies 2022-01-16 10.3390/ma15020655 Roca-Millan Elisabet, Jané-Salas Enric, Marí-Roig Antonio, Jiménez-Guerra Álvaro, Ortiz-García Iván, Velasco-Ortega Eugenio, López-López José, Monsalve-Guil Loreto
794439 BIOMOLECULES β-Synuclein: An Enigmatic Protein with Diverse Functionality 2022-01-16 10.3390/biom12010142 Hayashi Junna, Carver John A.