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794678 ANTIOXIDANTS Acremonium terricola Culture’s Dose–Response Effects on Lactational Performance, Antioxidant Capacity, and Ruminal Characteristics in Holstein Dairy Cows 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010175 Kong Fanlin, Zhang Yijia, Wang Shuo, Cao Zan, Liu Yanfang, Zhang Zixiao, Wang Wei, Lu Na, Li Shengli
794677 ANTIOXIDANTS Near-Infrared Light-Triggered Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Induction of Local Hyperthermia from Indocyanine Green Encapsulated Mesoporous Silica-Coated Graphene Oxide for Colorectal Cancer Therapy 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010174 Choi Hyung Woo, Lim Jae Hyun, Kim Chan Woo, Lee Eunmi, Kim Jin-Moo, Chang Kiyuk, Chung Bong Geun
794676 ANTIOXIDANTS Combined Treatment with Herbal Medicine and Drug Ameliorates Inflammation and Metabolic Abnormalities in the Liver of an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mouse Model 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010173 Park Hee Ra, Yang Eun Jin
794675 ANTIOXIDANTS Arterial Hypertension—Oxidative Stress and Inflammation 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010172 Krzemińska Julia, Wronka Magdalena, Młynarska Ewelina, Franczyk Beata, Rysz Jacek
794674 ANTIOXIDANTS Inhibitory Effects of 6,8-Diprenylorobol on Endometriosis Progression in Humans by Disrupting Calcium Homeostasis and Mitochondrial Function 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010171 Song Jisoo, Song Gwonhwa, Park Sunwoo, Lim Whasun
794673 ANTIOXIDANTS Neuroprotection and Disease Modification by Astrocytes and Microglia in Parkinson Disease 2022-01-17 10.3390/antiox11010170 Takahashi Shinichi, Mashima Kyoko
794672 BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS What is the relationship between the breech presentation and femoral trochlear dysplasia? An experimental study of the breech presentation model in neonatal rats 2022-01-17 10.1186/s12891-022-05023-3 Li Weifeng, Wang Shengjie, Tang Shiyu, Dong Zhenyue, Wang Fei
794671 BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Patellar shape is associated with femoral trochlear morphology in individuals with mature skeletal development 2022-01-17 10.1186/s12891-022-05000-w Qiu Lanyu, Li Jia, Sheng Bo, Yang Haitao, Xiao Zhibo, Lv Fajin, Lv Furong
794670 BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Preoperative predictors of health-related quality of life changes (EQ-5D and EQ VAS) after total hip and knee replacement: a systematic review 2022-01-17 10.1186/s12891-021-04981-4 Schatz Caroline, Klein Nina, Marx Antonia, Buschner Peter
794669 BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Radiographic outcomes of cortical screw fixation as an alternative to Kirschner wire fixation for temporary lateral column stabilization in displaced Lisfranc joint fracture-dislocations: a retrospective cohort analysis 2022-01-17 10.1186/s12891-021-04983-2 Sethuraman Saranya A., Silverstein Rachel S., Dedhia Nicket, Shaner Adam C., Asprinio David E.