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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
794848 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Fully automatic segmentation of craniomaxillofacial CT scans for computer-assisted orthognathic surgery planning using the nnU-Net framework 2022-01-17 10.1007/s00330-021-08455-y Dot Gauthier, Schouman Thomas, Dubois Guillaume, Rouch Philippe, Gajny Laurent
794847 SENSORS TR Self-Adaptive Cancellation Based Pipeline Leakage Localization Method Using Piezoceramic Transducers 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020696 Mo Yanbin, Bi Lvqing
794846 SENSORS Towards LoRaWAN without Data Loss: Studying the Performance of Different Channel Access Approaches 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020691 Loh Frank, Mehling Noah, Hoßfeld Tobias
794845 SENSORS Perturbed-Location Mechanism for Increased User-Location Privacy in Proximity Detection and Digital Contact-Tracing Applications 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020687 Lohan Elena Simona, Shubina Viktoriia, Niculescu Dragoș
794844 SENSORS Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020693 Rao Jinjun, Xu Kai, Chen Jinbo, Lei Jingtao, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Qiuyu, Giernacki Wojciech, Liu Mei
794843 SENSORS Experimental Assessment of Cuff Pressures on the Walls of a Trachea-Like Model Using Force Sensing Resistors: Insights for Patient Management in Intensive Care Unit Settings 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020697 Crivello Antonino, Milazzo Mario, La Rosa Davide, Fiacchini Giacomo, Danti Serena, Guarracino Fabio, Berrettini Stefano, Bruschini Luca
794842 SENSORS MOSQUITO EDGE: An Edge-Intelligent Real-Time Mosquito Threat Prediction Using an IoT-Enabled Hardware System 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020695 Polineni Shyam, Shastri Om, Bagchi Avi, Gnanakumar Govind, Rasamsetti Sujay, Sundaravadivel Prabha
794841 SENSORS Topic Break Detection in Interview Dialogues Using Sentence Embedding of Utterance and Speech Intention Based on Multitask Neural Networks 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020694 Matsumoto Kazuyuki, Sasayama Manabu, Kirihara Taiga
794840 SENSORS The Color Improvement of Underwater Images Based on Light Source and Detector 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020692 Quan Xiangqian, Wei Yucong, Li Bo, Liu Kaibin, Li Chen, Zhang Bing, Yang Jingchuan
794839 SENSORS Measurement of Water Holdup in Vertical Upward Oil–Water Two-Phase Flow Pipes Using a Helical Capacitance Sensor 2022-01-17 10.3390/s22020690 Dai Runsong, Jin Ningde, Hao Qingyang, Ren Weikai, Zhai Lusheng