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795018 EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE Inhibition of thioredoxin‑interacting protein may enhance the therapeutic effect of dehydrocostus lactone in cardiomyocytes under doxorubicin stimulation via the inhibition of the inflammatory response 2022-01-18 10.3892/etm.2022.11150 Zhang Xuezhi, Chu Cuiyu, Huang Yuankun
795017 EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE Study on the value of antibiotic‑resistant gene detection in Helicobacter pylori in China 2022-01-18 10.3892/etm.2022.11153 Dai Jinfeng, Zhao Jing, Mao Liqi, Hu Yue, Lv Bin
795016 EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE Butorphanol reduces the neuronal inflammatory response and apoptosis via inhibition of p38/JNK/ATF2/p53 signaling 2022-01-18 10.3892/etm.2022.11151 Huang Yingsi, Li Suhua, Chen Huaxin, Feng Long, Yuan Weixiu, Han Tao
795015 EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE Biological activity of a vascular endothelial cell‑hydroxyapatite orbital implant complex: An experimental study 2022-01-18 10.3892/etm.2022.11152 Wu Weiqi, Luo Hao, Wu Dan, Shi Menglin, Yu Jinhai, Liao Hongfei
795014 OPEN ACCESS MACEDONIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Lemon Pepper Extract Improves Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetic Rats 2022-01-18 10.3889/oamjms.2022.8226 Chiuman Linda, Ginting Chrismis Novalinda, Yulizal OK
795013 OPEN ACCESS MACEDONIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Effect of Different Solvent on Phytochemical Content, Tyrosinase Inhibition and Antioxidant Activities of Campolay (Pouteria campechiana kunth. [Baehni.]) 2022-01-18 10.3889/oamjms.2022.8204 Fitriansyah Sani Nurlaela, Hartati Rika, Fidrianny Irda
795012 OPEN ACCESS MACEDONIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Effects of the Ethanol Extracts of Ficus deltoidea leaves on the Reproductive Parameters in Male Mice 2022-01-18 10.3889/oamjms.2022.8068 Nugroho Rudy, Aryani Retno, Manurung Hetty, Anindita Dwi Feby, Hidayati Fitria Sari Nur, Prahastika Widha, Rudianto Rudianto
795011 BMC CANCER HoSAGE: sarcopenia in older patient with intermediate / high-risk prostate cancer, prevalence and incidence after androgen deprivation therapy: study protocol for a cohort trial 2022-01-18 10.1186/s12885-021-09105-8 Couderc Anne-Laure, Villani Patrick, Berbis Julie, Nouguerède Emilie, Rey Dominique, Rossi Dominique, Lechevallier Éric, Badinand Delphine, Bastide Cyrille, Karsenty Gilles, Boissier Romain, Amichi Kahena, Muracciole Xavier
795010 BMC CANCER High expression of S100A2 predicts poor prognosis in patients with endometrial carcinoma 2022-01-18 10.1186/s12885-022-09180-5 Zhang Qinzhen, Xia Tianxiang, Qi Chenxiang, Du Jun, Ye Chunping
795009 BMC CANCER The role of liver resection in metastatic nephroblastoma: a systematic review and Meta-regression analysis 2022-01-18 10.1186/s12885-022-09182-3 Fuchs Juri, Murtha-Lemekhova Anastasia, Kessler Markus, Günther Patrick, Hoffmann Katrin