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795088 NANOMATERIALS The Key Role of Tin (Sn) in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti2SnC (M2AX) Thin Nanocrystalline Films and Powdered Polycrystalline Samples 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030307 Bakardjieva Snejana, Plocek Jiří, Ismagulov Bauyrzhan, Kupčík Jaroslav, Vacík Jiří, Ceccio Giovanni, Lavrentiev Vasily, Němeček Jiří, Michna Štefan, Klie Robert
795087 NANOMATERIALS Artificial Neurons and Synapses Based on Al/a-SiNxOy:H/P+-Si Device with Tunable Resistive Switching from Threshold to Memory 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030311 Leng Kangmin, Zhu Xu, Ma Zhongyuan, Yu Xinyue, Xu Jun, Xu Ling, Li Wei, Chen Kunji
795086 NANOMATERIALS Regulating Morphology and Composition of Laser-Induced Periodic Structures on Titanium Films with Femtosecond Laser Wavelength and Ambient Environment 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030306 Bronnikov Kirill, Gladkikh Semyon, Okotrub Konstantin, Simanchuk Andrey, Zhizhchenko Alexey, Kuchmizhak Aleksandr, Dostovalov Alexander
795085 NANOMATERIALS Radiation Shielding Tests of Crosslinked Polystyrene-b-Polyethyleneglycol Block Copolymers Blended with Nanostructured Selenium Dioxide and Boron Nitride Particles 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030297 Cinan Zehra Merve, Erol Burcu, Baskan Taylan, Mutlu Saliha, Ortaç Bülend, Savaskan Yilmaz Sevil, Yilmaz Ahmet Hakan
795084 NANOMATERIALS Inverse Identification of Single-Crystal Plasticity Parameters of HCP Zinc from Nanoindentation Curves and Residual Topographies 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030300 Nguyen Pham T. N., Abbès Fazilay, Lecomte Jean-Sébastien, Schuman Christophe, Abbès Boussad
795083 NANOMATERIALS Surface Coverage Simulation and 3D Plotting of Main Process Parameters for Molybdenum and Vanadium Adsorption onto Ferrihydrite 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030304 Brinza Loredana
795082 NANOMATERIALS Cationic Pollutant Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Reduced Graphene Oxide 2022-01-18 10.3390/nano12030309 Tene Talia, Bellucci Stefano, Guevara Marco, Viteri Edwin, Arias Polanco Malvin, Salguero Orlando, Vera-Guzmán Eder, Valladares Sebastián, Scarcello Andrea, Alessandro Francesca, Caputi Lorenzo S., Gomez Cristian Vacacela
795081 PHARMACEUTICALS Comparative Evaluation of Radiochemical and Biological Properties of 131I- and [99mTc]Tc(CO)3-Labeled RGD Analogues Planned to Interact with the αvβ3 Integrin Expressed in Glioblastoma 2022-01-18 10.3390/ph15020116 Sobral Danielle V., Fuscaldi Leonardo L., Durante Ana Claudia R., Mendonça Fernanda F., de Oliveira Larissa R., Miranda Ana Cláudia C., Mejia Jorge, Montor Wagner R., de Barboza Marycel F., Malavolta Luciana
795080 PHARMACEUTICALS Discovery of Novel Andrographolide Derivatives as Antiviral Inhibitors against Human Enterovirus A71 2022-01-18 10.3390/ph15020115 Tan Jie Kai, Chen Ran, Lee Regina Ching Hua, Li Feng, Dai Kun, Zhou Guo-Chun, Chu Justin Jang Hann
795079 PHARMACEUTICALS Application of Optical Methods for Determination of Concentration of Doxorubicin in Blood and Plasma 2022-01-18 10.3390/ph15020112 Sikora Tomasz, Morawska Karolina, Lisowski Wiesław, Rytel Paweł, Dylong Agnieszka