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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795338 MATERIALS The Useful Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Reinforcement Corrosion Due to Carbonation in Non-Aggressive and Normal Exposures in the Spanish Mediterranean 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030745 Saura-Gómez Pascual, Rizo-Maestre Carlos, Echarri-Iribarren Víctor
795337 MATERIALS Elasto-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Extruded Mg Alloy with Deformation Anisotropy Due to Stress Ratio Fluctuation 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030755 Masuda Kenichi, Ishihara Sotomi, Oguma Noriyasu, Ishiguro Minoru, Sakamoto Yoshinori
795336 MATERIALS Microstructural and Texture Evolution in Pure Niobium during Severe Plastic Deformation by Differential Speed Rolling 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030752 Park Sang Yong, Kim Woo Jin
795335 MATERIALS A Semi-Active Control Technique through MR Fluid Dampers for Seismic Protection of Single-Story RC Precast Buildings 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030759 Caterino Nicola, Spizzuoco Mariacristina, Piccolo Valeria, Magliulo Gennaro
795334 MATERIALS Structural, Optical and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Molybdenum Thin Films Deposited under Variable Substrate Temperature 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030754 Makeswaran Nanthakishore, Orozco Cristian, Battu Anil K., Deemer Eva, Ramana C. V.
795333 MATERIALS The Three-Level Elastoviscoplastic Model and Its Application to Describing Complex Cyclic Loading of Materials with Different Stacking Fault Energies 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030760 Trusov Peter Valentinovich, Gribov Dmitriy Sergeevich
795332 MATERIALS Synthesis and Hydrophilicity Analysis of bis(propane-1,2-diol) Terminated Polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMSs) 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030753 Yang Lan-Hee, Park Kyeong Eun, Yoon Sungho
795331 MATERIALS Influence of Laser Beam Power on Microstructure and Microhardness of Fe/ZrC Coatings Produced on Steel Using Laser Processing—Preliminary Study on the Single Laser Tracks 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030758 Bartkowski Dariusz
795330 MATERIALS Impact of the Veneering Technique and Framework Material on the Failure Loads of All-Ceramic Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Fixed Partial Dentures 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030756 Hinz Sebastian, Bensel Tobias, Bömicke Wolfgang, Henningsen Anders, Rudolph Judith, Boeckler Arne F.
795329 MATERIALS Fault Critical Point Prediction Method of Nuclear Gate Valve with Small Samples Based on Characteristic Analysis of Operation 2022-01-19 10.3390/ma15030757 Liu Zhilong, Liu Jie, Huang Yanping, Li Tongxi, Nie Changhua, Xia Yanjun, Zhan Li, Tang Zhangchun, Zhang Lin