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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795708 MATERIALS Quasi-Static and Fatigue Properties of Thermoset Sandwiches with 3D Continuous Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Foam Core 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030764 Schäfer Kay, Nestler Daisy, Kroll Lothar
795707 MATERIALS Corrosion Behavior of Candidate Functional Materials for Molten Salts Reactors in LiF–NaF–KF Containing Actinide Fluoride Imitators 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030761 Karfidov Eduard, Nikitina Evgueniya, Erzhenkov Maxim, Seliverstov Konstantin, Chernenky Pavel, Mullabaev Albert, Tsvetov Vladimir, Mushnikov Peter, Karimov Kirill, Molchanova Natalia, Kuznetsova Alexandra
795706 MATERIALS Microstructure Evolution and Shear Strength of the Cu/Au80Sn20/Cu Solder Joints with Multiple Reflow Temperatures 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030780 Chen Chaoyu, Sun Mingxu, Cheng Zhi, Liang Yao
795705 MATERIALS Mayenite Synthesis from Hydroxide Precursors: Structure Formation and Active Sites on Its Surface 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030778 Kapishnikov Aleksandr V., Kenzhin Roman M., Koskin Anton P., Volodin Alexander M., Geydt Pavel V.
795704 MATERIALS Research on the Variable-Temperature Cracking Mechanism of CRTS I Type Double-Block Ballastless Track on a Bridge 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030770 Zeng Zhiping, Peng Guangzhao, Wang Weidong, Huang Xiangdong, Shen Shiwen, Shuaibu Abdulmumin Ahmed, Meng Xiaobai
795703 MATERIALS The Performance of Graphene-Enhanced THz Grating: Impact of the Gold Layer Imperfectness 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030786 Lamberti Patrizia, La Mura Monica, Tucci Vincenzo, Nkyalu Erick, Khan Ali, Yakovleva Marina, Valynets Nadzeya, Paddubskaya Alesia, Saushin Aleksandr, Vanyukov Viatcheslav, Baah Marian, Urbanowicz Andrzej, Svirko Yuri, Kuzhir Polina
795702 MATERIALS Fabrication of PLA/PCL/Graphene Nanoplatelet (GNP) Electrically Conductive Circuit Using the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing Technique 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030762 Masarra Nour-Alhoda, Batistella Marcos, Quantin Jean-Christophe, Regazzi Arnaud, Pucci Monica Francesca, El Hage Roland, Lopez-Cuesta José-Marie
795701 MATERIALS Effect of Different Ultrasonic Power on the Properties of RHA Steel Welded Joints 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030768 Yin Peng, Xu Chunguang, Pan Qinxue, Zhang Wenjun, Jiang Xiaowei
795700 MATERIALS Polymer Stabilization of Uniform Lying Helix Texture in a Bimesogen-Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Frequency-Modulated Electro-Optic Responses 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030771 Yu Chia-Hua, Wu Po-Chang, Lee Wei
795699 MATERIALS A Ferrofluid with High Specific Absorption Rate Prepared in a Single Step Using a Biopolymer 2022-01-20 10.3390/ma15030788 Guzmán-Rocha Dulce A., Córdova-Fraga Teodoro, Bernal-Alvarado José J., López Zaira, Cholico Francisco A., Quintero Luis H., Paz José A., Cano Mario E.