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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795818 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Mitral Valve Infective Endocarditis Complicated With Coronary Artery Embolization 2022-01-20 10.7759/cureus.21459 Carvalho Gouveia Cristina, Pimenta Inês, Fernandes Marco, Chambino Beatriz, Côrte-Real Hugo
795817 CURĒUS : MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD Perspectives of Stakeholders of Equitable Access to Community Naloxone Programs: A Literature Review 2022-01-20 10.7759/cureus.21461 Martignetti Lucas, Sun Winnie
795816 STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY Extracellular vesicles from adipose-derived stem cells promote microglia M2 polarization and neurological recovery in a mouse model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion 2022-01-20 10.1186/s13287-021-02668-0 Hu Xiaowen, Pan Jiaji, Li Yongfang, Jiang Yixu, Zheng Haoran, Shi Rubing, Zhang Qi, Liu Chang, Tian Hengli, Zhang Zhijun, Tang Yaohui, Yang Guo-Yuan, Wang Yongting
795815 NANOMATERIALS Comparative Study between Curcumin and Nanocurcumin Loaded PLGA on Colon Carcinogenesis Induced Mice 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030324 Elbassiouni Farida E., El-Kholy Wafaa M., Elhabibi El-Sayed M., Albogami Sarah, Fayad Eman
795814 NANOMATERIALS Superfluorescence of Sub-Band States in C-Plane In0.1Ga0.9N/GaN Multiple-QWs 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030327 Ding Cairong, Lv Zesheng, Zeng Xueran, Zhang Baijun
795813 NANOMATERIALS The Effects of Stresses and Interfaces on Texture Transformation in Silver Thin Films 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030329 Dang Nhat Minh, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Chi-Hang, Lin Ming-Tzer
795812 NANOMATERIALS As(III, V) Uptake from Nanostructured Iron Oxides and Oxyhydroxides: The Complex Interplay between Sorbent Surface Chemistry and Arsenic Equilibria 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030326 Sanna Angotzi Marco, Mameli Valentina, Fantasia Alessandra, Cara Claudio, Secci Fausto, Enzo Stefano, Gerina Marianna, Cannas Carla
795811 NANOMATERIALS In Situ Ruthenium Catalyst Modification for the Conversion of Furfural to 1,2-Pentanediol 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030328 Bruna Lauriane, Cardona-Farreny Miquel, Colliere Vincent, Philippot Karine, Axet M. Rosa
795810 NANOMATERIALS Design and Optimize the Performance of Self-Powered Photodetector Based on PbS/TiS3 Heterostructure by SCAPS-1D 2022-01-20 10.3390/nano12030325 Yao Huizhen, Liu Lai
795809 PHARMACEUTICALS Therapies Targeting Epigenetic Alterations in Acute Kidney Injury-to-Chronic Kidney Disease Transition 2022-01-20 10.3390/ph15020123 Tanemoto Fumiaki, Mimura Imari