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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
795958 SENSORS Using GPS Collars and Sensors to Investigate the Grazing Behavior and Energy Balance of Goats Browsing in a Mediterranean Forest Rangeland 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030781 Chebli Youssef, El Otmani Samira, Hornick Jean-Luc, Keli Abdelhafid, Bindelle Jérôme, Chentouf Mouad, Cabaraux Jean-François
795957 SENSORS Moment-Based Parameter Estimation for the Γ-Parameterized TWDP Model 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030774 Njemcevic Pamela, Kaljic Enio, Maric Almir
795956 SENSORS Revolution or Evolution? Technical Requirements and Considerations towards 6G Mobile Communications 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030762 Alraih Saddam, Shayea Ibraheem, Behjati Mehran, Nordin Rosdiadee, Abdullah Nor Fadzilah, Abu-Samah Asma’, Nandi Dalia
795955 SENSORS Fast Panoptic Segmentation with Soft Attention Embeddings 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030783 Petrovai Andra, Nedevschi Sergiu
795954 SENSORS A Control Method with Reinforcement Learning for Urban Un-signalized Intersection in Hybrid Traffic Environment 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030779 Shi Yanjun, Liu Yuanzhuo, Qi Yuhan, Han Qiaomei
795953 SENSORS Optimal Array Design and Directive Sensors for Guided Waves DoA Estimation 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030780 Dibiase Marco, Mohammadgholiha Masoud, De Marchi Luca
795952 SENSORS A 3D-Printed Knee Wearable Goniometer with a Mobile-App Interface for Measuring Range of Motion and Monitoring Activities 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030763 Rivera Bryan, Cano Consuelo, Luis Israel, Elias Dante A.
795951 SENSORS High-Gain Omnidirectional Dual-Polarized Antenna for Sink Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030788 Zhang Yongjian, Li Yue
795950 SENSORS Performance Evaluation Metrics and Approaches for Target Tracking: A Survey 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030793 Song Yan, Hu Zheng, Li Tiancheng, Fan Hongqi
795949 SENSORS Effects of Apple Vinegar Addition on Aerobic Deterioration of Fermented High Moisture Maize Using Infrared Thermography as an Indicator 2022-01-20 10.3390/s22030771 Agma Okur Aylin, Gozluklu Kerem, Okur Ersen, Okuyucu Berrin, Koc Fisun, Ozduven Mehmet Levent